Chapter 5

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More weeks passed. It's been a month since Safire moved into that kennel with Zipda. Two months since she got here.
Test after test, fight after fight, this has become normal for the not so young pup.

Safire woke up to her best friend being dragged out of the kennel. "H-Hey! Zipda!" Safire yelled out as she clawed at the wires on the cage. "Kid!" He yelled back, fighting against the humans. He was snapping and barking at the men, but they muzzled him and threw him into the arena the muzzle came off and the doors slammed down shut. Before Zipda could even think, another challenger stepped in front of him. It was another wolf. But it looked like a monster. Huge. Bright red eyes, no pupil, and horns coming out of the sides of its head. His paws were huge and carried large claws instead of nails.

It let out a deep snarl. It's teeth looked like razors. It took a lunge at Zipda, he tried to dodge it but the beast was too quick, one swipe of it's paw and he was on the ground gasping for air. Zipda got up and lunged at the the beast, gripping his teeth into the throat. The beast let out a roar and started swinging its head. Zipda's body twisted every which way, he was not budging, he pulled the lock jaw in hopes that he would rip open the beasts throat.

The beast roared out and clawed at Zipda's body. All he could do was scream out from the huge surge of pain that rushed through him. With a big thud, he hit the ground and his body shook. His side was ripped open, he wasn't in critical danger, but he was losing blood. The beast stomped up to Zipda and pinned him. Safire saw all of this and broke out of the kennel. She bolted to Zipda's aid.

Right before the beast could latch its jaws and finish Zipda, Safire bolted into the arena and lunges at the beast. She latched her jaws around the beasts neck and pinned it to the wall, she used her power to bring the spikes back and stab the beast, the spikes went deep into its shoulders and into the wall. The beast roared out in pain and tried to fight, but it was no use. "Don't. Hurt. My. Friends." Safire said in a deep voice as her body grew larger.

She snarled and grew as big as the beast itself, she lunged at it and latched her jaws onto its throat. It tried to scream out but Safire's teeth were preventing any sort of noise. She finally let go, but ripped out the throat of the beast. It writhed in pain and gasped out. The hot, dark red blood poured out onto the arena floor.
Safire licked her teeth as she watched the life leave her victims eyes. Finally the beast went limp, and the spikes disappeared.

Safire turned to her friend and slid herself under him. She then helped lead him to the doors of he arena. "You ok?" She asked as she nuzzled his chin.
All Zipda did was whimper in response. The men aided them both back to their kennel and Zipda laid down in the corner of it. Safire sighed and walked over to him and sat in front of him. The wound on his side was still lightly bleeding, so she put her paw on it in attempts to heal it, but it did not work. Her paw caused a huge surge of pain to rush through his body, and he sat up and snarled loudly at Safire.

He then panted heavily through his teeth, "sorry kid... you don't wanna touch me right now...." he said as he calmed down. "At least let me bind it." She insisted. Zipda nodded and dealt with the pain for a short time. The pressure of the cloth that Safire used helped with the pain, so he began to relax. Safire nuzzled Zipda's cheek and laid down next to him. "We will get out of here soon. I promise." She said and snuggled up to his warmth.

"I promise"

And with that they both fell asleep.

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