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Drink lots of water. At least 8 cups a day.

This will actually...
- increase the metabolism (cold water)
- fill you up (warm water)
- aid in weight loss
- flush out toxins
- give you healthier skin
- reduce risks of certain cancers
- help digestion and constipation
- relieve fatigue
- reduce headache
- improve complexion
- calorie control
- brain & productivity booster
- blood normalizer
- maintain the balance of body fluids
- energize muscles
- help with your kidneys
- help maintain normal bowel function
- give you better bone health

Drinking water at the correct time can also help you a lot.

- 2 glasses after waking up helps activate internal organs.
- 1 glass 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion, and 2 before a meal fills you up faster and helps with weight loss.
- 1 before taking a bath helps with blood pressure.
- 1 before going to bed prevents heart attack and stroke.

How to increase the water intake:

- keep a water bottle with you. In your locker at school, in your car, in your fridge.
- eat more fruits and vegetables.
- have a glass of water with your meal.
- have water instead of soda/bear.
- have sparkling water. I choose this when I don't feel like drinking regular water.

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