ㄴ how to grow as a person ㄱ

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Below are tips that will help you on your self-growth journey.

1. Love yourself.
Do this by taking care of yourself, doing things you love, saying no to do something when you are too tired or simply dont want to.

2. Learn how to forgive.
Nothing good will come out of holding on to things.

3. Be you.
By being yourself you will also discover new parts of yourself while attracting like-minded people.

4. Welcome meeting new people.
Some of the people you meet may just end up becoming some of the most important in your life.

5. Discover new things.
Some may end up being your new favorite hobby.

6. Take responsibility for your actions.
This is part of maturity. Don't blame someone else for your own actions. And don't let someone else take credit for your positive actions.

7. Set goals.

8. Listen to your gut.
Or intuition. Or third eye. Whatever you prefer.

9. Self-reflect.
What's your positive traits? Negative traits? Observe and analyze yourself. Try shadow work (chapter on this may come).

10. Exercise.
For your health. Don't focus too much on your weight. Muscles weigh more than fat and weight is just a number.

11. Go out of your comfort zone.

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