ㄴ Avoiding awkard conversations ㄱ

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How to avoid awkward conversations:

1. Be polite.
2. Don't go into your head. Focus on what the other person is saying.
3. Don't dominate the conversation.
4. Compliment the other person, but only if it will make the conversation less awkward.
5. Keep the conversation going by asking questions. For example: how's school/work? What'd you do this weekend?
6. Ask for their opinion.
7. Elaborate on your answer. Instead of saying yes to something, explain the why of this "yes".
8. Be yourself. Don't try to be someone else just to fit in.
9. Act confident. Believe you can be confident.
10. Smile.
11. Show interest.

A/N: do you have tip number 12? Tell us in the comments!

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