They Could Only Dream . . . (P.1)

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HIYA FRIENDS! So I got this idea after I saw some Fanart on Pinterest (I'll put it at the end of the chapter) but I thought it'd be cool.

So the Chapter isn't mainly focused around Dick well I mean he's definitely in it and is a main character but like their are co-stars. If that made sense.


Wally's POV

Today was a good day. This week was a good week. I have an awesome life. My parents are awesome, nicest people I've ever met. My Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris are amazing they live nearby too. I go to a good school. I have good friends.

My life is nice and normal and absolutely perfect.

"Wally!" My mom yelled up to me. I sprang from my bed and went downstairs.

"What's up mom?" I said as I sat on the couch besides her and looked at the TV screen.

"Oh nothing, just wanted know if you wanted to watch TV with me?" She said, I shrugged and watched as she surfed through the channels.

Then I got this feeling, an awful feeling that something wasn't right. Something was out of place. It sent shivers up my spine. I looked around, trying to figure out what was happening. There was no crime in Central City so it couldn't be anything dangerous. So what could it be?

"I just got the weirdest feeling." I mumbled, just loud enough for my mom to hear.

"Why is that?" She asked, her voice sounded different. It went from calm and casual to a dead and stiff tone.

I shrugged it off, "I don't know, probably nothing."

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. That feeling I got earlier was back and it wasn't going away.

"What is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself. I shook the the feeling then tried to doze off.

"Speedster. . ."

  "Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed? . . . ."

"Your parents hit you. . . . ."

"Speedster. . . ."

"Not real. . ."


I jump awake, panting and gasping for air. My face covered in sweat and my covers thrown everywhere.

"What was that!" I think as I continue to attempt to calm myself. Speedster? My parents hitting me? Not real? Whelmed? What even is that?

One, what the heck is a speedster? Two, my parents would never hit me, they wouldn't hurt a fly. And three, whats not real?

I sit on my bed, pondering whatever I just dreamt.

"Wally are you awake?" My mom says from outside my door. "Can I come in?" She adds as she opens the door.

"Why are you up mom?" I yawn. She sits on the foot of the bed.

"Thats not important, why are you awake?" I stare at her for a minute. Thinking about what I should tell her.

"Mom do you know what a speedster is?" She froze, as if the had question scared her.

THE AMAZING DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now