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So, tell me ChaeRin-ssi. When exactly did you start having sexual desires?

Since my first breakup!

The room's stuffy again. Not with people, but with the little space that it has. You must've seen these kind of rooms in movies. A table and a chair for two and nothing more.
There was nothing much to look around in the room.
I was seated on of the chairs, waiting for the other to be occupied too. Just so I could leave early.

After about 5 minutes maybe, the door opened and the tall man from before walked in and finally occupied that empty spot. He looked rather tired and annoyed than before. His eyes met mine and my heart raced crazily. I just blushed at the thought of having him in my bed. He looked like a delicious meal, very appealing to one's eye.

We're here to investigate the death of JaeHyung and we need your co-operation.

He quickly said as he took his seat and I only smirked and nodded my head.
I could tell that my attitude didn't please him. It pleased no body so far, trust me!

How long have you been working at the Pasteles?

Now that we shared a deep eye contact and the light from the lamp above our heads, clearly highlighted his skin and brought out the masculinity from him even better than before, I couldn't help imagine those things in my head. Again.

What's your name?

My question clearly annoyed him a bit more than he already was. Yet, I was desperate to know. It somehow mattered.

He bit his lower lip, raising an eye brow.

Hyungwon. Tell me now. How long have you been working there?

It's been a year now.

Do you personally know JaeHyung?

He's just been our customer for a long time. And Hyungwon-ssi ....

I moved a little closer to his face -

I don't like him.

Why is that?

I leaned back on my chair and shrugged not understanding where to start from.

Well, he never valued food or money, he only visited the shop to criticize the workers. He was after all, our shop owner's son. And besides, he's not really an interesting person, one would like to learn about.

I moved forward, placing my elbow on the table and cupping a part of my face with my right hand.

Did you ever personally hold any grudge towards him or did any situa-

Of course not Hyungwon-ssi. Like I said, he was not interesting enough for me to worry about. I don't engage with people that are ... Let's say boring! Putting him on the bottom of my list would itself be a shame.

What list?

Umm .. my prey list? A List of men who interest me.

He narrowed his gaze, wrinkling his forehead.

Are you perhaps ... a nymphomaniac?

A/N : The texts in Bold and Italics are snippets of conversations that ChaeRin has had with her therapist!
They'll keep appearing here and there, hinting her personality and her private life.
Just so you don't get confused 😁

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