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I slowly move my face out of his and his face looked like a poem. He looked me in the eye and none of us spoke for an entire minute or so. And during the whole time, he only kept gulping hard. Then there was a sweat streak trickling down his face.

I seated myself in his lap and reached for his collar. He was wearing a plain brown polo shirt. And lemme tell you that guys wearing dark colored polo shirts are my kryptonite.

I slowly started unbuttoning his tee while keeping my focus on his poetic face. For a second, I saw him wince as if he didn't wish for anything that was happening. Another second, he gave off a disgusting look as if he wanted me banished from the world. Then there came that look I longed for.
Those curious yet alluring eyes as if he wanted me to keep going, to play him dirty, to make him weak. Of course, I was no twit so I took the signal and took his tee off.

And then we started playing with our mouths and in-between those kisses, whispered him to take us to the bed, which he obediently followed. After a pretty heated game between tongues and lips, I slightly pushed him away only to take my shirt off. And eventually he started his trail of kisses from my jaw, across my neck and every part of my body.

I'm .... Hyungwon ... I'm cold!

Though we were pretty much heated up, the cold weather was stronger than our energy, so he ended up pulling the sheets over our heads and not stop what we were doing.

After the whole make out session, I was sleeping in his embrace and until I fell asleep, I kept feeling his warmth touch the nape of my neck.

Don't leave me, okay? I ... I can't go through this again.

Little did I know that I was mumbling like an idiot in my sleep.

ChaeRin-ah! As far as the diagnosis is concerned, you are not diagnosed with any mental illness or sexual perversion as such but .... You've received a lot of emotional trauma. All you need is someone who can make you build your trust in them over time. I'm sure you'll meet that person soon. For now, I can only treat you for Endogenous Depression. That's what you're actually suffering from.
Love isn't a one night or a one day thing. It comes with effort and patience.

A/N: That's the best of smut I can come up with. That's not even called a smut lol but yeah, I'm an innocent being and although I don't really like writing such stuff, they're up in my head like 24/7 😂
Also #Alligator 1stwin 😭

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