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In less than a second, the bed was cleared off the chess board and soon enough I could see him crawling towards me like a lion cornering his prey.

I backed off a little, almost dodging my body and surrendering it Infront of the huge one which was approaching me.

His gentle fingers travelled from my face, down to my neck. A second later, his lips followed the same path too.
And with just the initial touch, I almost wet my undie .....

After leaving a few hickeys on my neck, he came back for my face. But this time, he only laid there, staring at it. As if he was lost in some thoughts and decided to just fix his gaze onto me while discovering his inner insecurities. I sure wanted to ask him what he was thinking about but before I could, he spoke his mind.

You're pretty competitive aren't you?

I rolled my eyes at his statement. I couldn't exactly understand if he was mocking at me because of the game we played earlier. Maybe he figured out that I lost on purpose, although I didn't. I didn't right?

Or did you just not want to finish watching that movie?

I was lost for words. It was like for the first time in forever that someone made me doubt myself so much.
Did I lose on purpose? This question was actually haunting me in the back of my mind and I just had to blink twice to get that chuckle out of his mouth and make him understand that I myself was perplexed at the moment. The answer to his question was surely not an easy one. At least, not for me. And he knew that. He just wanted me to come clean. Maybe.
And so I finally decided to ....

While our faces were only inches apart and his long fingers were still touching my skin, I wanted my mouth to spit the truth out ....

Okay fine. It may sound a little surprising to you but .... I badly wanted to win.

His eyebrows arched as if he thought I was lying. Of course, the impression I left on him about me wasn't that great since the start and he must've thought to himself that all I cared about in this world was only sex. Although his mouth didn't speak them, his face did. And I was no fool to not take the hints.

What's with that face? Sex doesn't clearly mean everything to me. I sure have other interests and priorities too ... I just wanted to finish watching that movie with you. And yes, I chose it over having sex. I thought you .... You see me that way too, don't you? I thought you were different .... I was scared for a moment when I didn't see you earlier this morning as soon as I woke up .... I thought you left. Just like the others. But when I found you right away, you gave me hope .... You -

I couldn't finish my sentence. The tears came in the way. I never recalled myself being sensitive and all but the situation got the worst of me and there I was. Half sitting, half slouching under his embrace, looking like a mess.

Next thing I knew, his hands slid below my back, rubbing it softly with his fingers and like magic, my tears halted and I lifted my chin to meet his eyes. But I couldn't look at them for long because of my eyes which shut to his sudden peck on my lips. It was a short kiss, but was the sweetest one which we had so far.

After he pulled his face away from mine, I didn't know what to do or where to look at, so I ended up burying my face into his chest, deeper and deeper every minute.

While rubbing my back, he reached for my bra and was going to open it when I had to stop him.

I'm ... I'm kinda tired!

Oh ... Alright! Umm ... Wanna listen to a story?

I lifted my head from his chest to meet his eyes. I loved listening to stories ....

What kind of a story?

A true one. Based on this criminal who we had to find a long time ago.

Umm ... Is it spooky?

Uh ... He chuckled at my question and hummed a sweet no.

Then make it spooky. I like listening to scary stories at night.

He let out a huge sigh and started narrating a spooky story. Mid way through, I was so immersed into the story that at the sound of a large thud, I almost lost my shit!

Moments later I understood the situation when Hyungwon came clean and said he pulled a prank by hitting the table and that's when I started crying again. All those tears that I kept locked in for years, were now finally pouring out. He opened the door to let them out.

And again, his hand ran up and down my back while he kept whispering sweet nothings into my ear and nibbling it here and there, whenever he had the chance.

Bad Girl (Hyungwon FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें