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The room was dark and depressing, of course it was, it always was. that's what you expect from a dungen; with no lights or any heating what-so-ever, Its like a freezer, a sound prof freezer at that, were no body could hear you scream but who would really help, every one knows I'm in here so yeah no help.

I sat with my legs folded under neath me, usually someone would feel pain or discomfort after a while but me, nothing ; I've been throught too much and been here far too longe to feel all the simple pains. In this room my ears rang with the silence I couldn't even hear what was happing out side, if there was to be any hope I wouldn't hear them coming, if my nightmare was coming I wouldn't hear a single foot step, not even the echo of one.

As if something could hear my train of though, the door to my silent cell was thrown open with such force that it bounded back on its hinges; metal doors rarely do that but the sound rang through the empty room, the sound wasn't much difference from the silence, endless echoing ring like a broken record. The light from the living feeling wold washed though the now open door, I had to blink my sleep deprived eyes as I had to squint to where it looked like my eyes were closed, I'm not used to this much light ever in all my years of this dark place; all I could make out was a silouette of a man who looked much, I mean much taller than me and from what I could see he had the same build as alpha but his eyes were much kinder than his cold and cruel ones, but if it was alpha I wouldn't care.

He stood there staring at me kind of out of breath but I dont care. A possible threat stands before me and I just sit there with no emosion and no responce with no care for myself. I guess I should feel scared or be on the verge of a panic atttack or tears or what ever normal people do when there face to face with the unknown but no he was just stood there still breathing heavey like he had run a marathon. The stench of blood washed through the now open door, now I know the cell doesn't smell of my own blood any more but it is still most definely stanined with it. The person infront of me must have thought I was some sort of realistic doll, a doll that looks, feels and bleeds like a human but isn't quite one herself.

Along with the ringing there was a low growling emanating from the man's direction and even though I couldn't see any deserning features like his facial features or the colour of his hair but the one thing I could see was his bright orange eyes that seemed to glow like a owl in the night. I would be curious but nothing is left to be curious about, nothings left but my ablitiy to read and see others much better than an average person, I could see, I could notice, I could read the anger and fear, the joy, the surprise, the happyness and most defintly wonnder and hurt and the awe of what ever beauty they saw, all these emosions where showing in is amber eyes, yet I didn't move, not even to blink, I just sort of stared at this guys colossal silhouette of a form. Although he was still stood in the door way; feet from me and he still towered over my sitting disheveled form on the blood stained floor.

"Who are you little one?" His gruff voice was full of unsee emosion, he was trying to stay calm but for what reason? for what purpose, he spoke in little more than a whisper but it echoed in the dark empty room.

But before I could do any thing or say anything another silouette joined the first, who was still looking shocked and in awe of someything unseen. This new man was smaller than the first by an inch or two I think, the first looked at the second with immance sadness and they seemed to have a silent coversation with each other, as the new man nodded and dashed away as quickly as he came. 'well bye then' my mind would have come up with by its self but now its by force, just to keep my self entertained through and in this place.

"Do you care to join me?" He asked in a hushed tone when there was really no need to, there was only me here and no sleeping beast to awake by talking normally. He offered me his hand and I would surely know better than to take it right?, right? nope. I nodded and took it gingerly, any where was better than here.

As I placed my tiny pale hand in the mans larger and wrarmer one. Now he could see that I was made of skin, bones and mosly scars instead of some synthetic flesh. Another growl poured out of his chest, but I didnt care simply because I was nothing but an empty shell. My red tatterde top hung of my shruken flesh and my brown shorts that bearly stayed on my starved body. The man pulled me up on to my feet with a swift movement, then scooped up me with great ease like a blanket and held me like a bride.

I would feel embarassed but this is one of the nicer way to feel it compared to the others, I would feel scared but I have been more trerrified then I have been right now but all in all nothing, just a void. I realize how warm this person was, is everyone this warm?, he was so warm, so much warmer then the room I just exited, I couldn't help but try to get closer to this warmth, I snuggled closer to it.

This was the first time I have felt this sort of warmth in years; I couldn't stop myself from giving in to my sleeep, and I slept in my saviour's arms.

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