Random 19

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My table is late. The room was filled with the white noise of the loud customers; students where running around in a stressed frenzy, it was really busy today, I mean Christmas time busy. I wasn't stressed as this is my forth year doing this and I can handles the bigger tables and several different by myself flawlessly; I think the most tables I handle is five small ones and one big table with two smaller ones. My table was set up for three covers. (Covers mean people)

I watched Lucy bring two men in fine black suites and an elderly fellow to my table, easy enough all men table. The youngest wore a red tie, the other wore a blue and looked slightly older than the other; the older man was dressed casually but he still held an air of business around him. 'Ok these guys look all business so I'd better not bother them too much' I thought as I offered to take their coats to the wardrobe. When I came back the man in the red tie looked displeased while the other two looked smug, I wonder what I missed.

I broke the elder man's napkin first and placed it on his lap; I moved to the one in the blue tie and did the same with cool confidence then moved to Mr. grumpy red tie. I remember doing this the first time I was so nervous and jittery.

"Excuse me do you want me to pour your water" I asked clearly.

"Err yes please" the eldest responded and the others nodded.

I picked up the water servant by its neck and poured water in to each one of their glasses and placed it back on the table and made my way in to the already warm kitchen, the joys of having late customers. I saw my tables bread over on the cold pass or cooler pass, let's face it, it wasn't cold; I took the basket back to the table and placed it on the edge as there was no space it the center.

The next thing on my list was to get the menus. They are stored with the cover change plates and above the draws where we get the cutlery. I take three from the stack and unfold them so I can hand them out already open and I went back to the table, I gave the eldest a menu first then Mr. Blue tie then Mr. grumpy red tie.

"Excuse me; will you be having any wine this afternoon?" I asked calmly and slowly as I have a habit to speak quickly when I'm not paying attention.

"No thank you" Mr Red tie said decidedly while giving a stern look to the younger fellow.

"Alright are there any other drinks I can get you?" I glanced around the table, they all seemed to have a hidden way of communicating between them, it reminded me of the way me and my bother used to act when one of us were causing trouble secretly.

"No thank you" the elder man said kindly, I nodded to show that I heard him.

I retreated back to the bar and grabbed a tray and returned to the table, I removed the wine glasses from each gentleman; when I got there the men looked like they had finally relaxed and started up a light conversation with each other, from what I could tell from the way from they were talking to each other they were all family. I was right in thinking Mr. Red tie is the youngest and still looks displeased but this time it was directed at the Mr. Blue tie who is the oldest out of the two and the elderly man is their father. I returned the wine glasses to the bar and collected a cover change plate. I put my order pad on the plate so I could do the cover change and take the order at the same time, plus I could also collect the menus. I returned to the table where the conversation had changed to business.

"Excuse me, are you ready to order" I ask politely looking at the eldest first.

"Yes, I think we are. Can I get the Greek salad for the starter and the risotto please" his eyes remained on the menu as he spoke. I moved around him to remove is soup spoon and looked directly at the Mr. Blue tie.

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