Part 85

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It had been a month since Vidushi had joined Parth in the US. Contrary to her apprehensions Megami had adjusted well to her mother's absence. She loved seeing her mother on the screen during video chats and would babble for minutes until a tearful Vidushi disconnected the call.

As Vidushi was out of the country and because Sanyukta had a busy work schedule Harsh spent most of his free time with Megami and Suketu. Between Harsh, Sanyukta, Randhir and nanny the children were secure and content. 

This was a Sunday morning. Sanyukta had to attend to an elderly patient so Randhir and Harsh fixed a quick breakfast for the children, hoping to take the family to the club for lunch where Hetal and Pebbles were expected to join them.

  "I am not allowed to have this, if it has sugar. Sugar is not good for the health!" K2 looked wistfully at the plate set before him by Randhir. He was not sure why sugar was supposed to be bad, he was just repeating what had been drilled into him by his mother.   

"This, my dear boy, is multigrain bread and homemade peanut bread with sliced bananas sandwiched in between. There is no added sugar, so go ahead and enjoy your breakfast with some orange juice!" Harsh explained patiently, while feeding a spoonful of banana to Megami. She was not very happy to sit on her highchair and asked to be carried in her grandfather's arms.

"Nearly everything we eat is converted to a sugar called glucose inside our body. It gives us the energy we need. So sugar is not bad for you unless taken in excess, especially as a part of a junk food diet." Randhir assured K2.

Randhir and Harsh knew why Sanyukta was paranoid about her son's diet. In the last few years of her life Anju's health had been severely impaired because of diabetes. Her death had been rather hard on Sanyukta and she was unwilling to take any chances.

"Why are there fruits inside these ice cream cones?" K2 quizzed, staring at the colourful new poster on Randhir's kitchen wall.

"To remind you that the best things in life are not always filled with added sugar!" Randhir smiled. His plan was working. K2 now loved spending time around his house and consequently with Randhir. To keep his attention riveted Randhir made small additions that would interest the boy, every now and then.

 To keep his attention riveted Randhir made small additions that would interest the boy, every now and then

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"I only know strawberries, what are these other fruit?" K2 asked.

"Oh, those are blueberries, mulberries and cherries! Would you like to try them, Bambi?" Harsh came into the conversation.

"Sure!" K2 looked interested. He was learning more about the world each day he spent with the Shekhawats.

"Ok then, you must convince your mother to have your passports made so we can take holidays abroad where you can enjoy more of such yummy treats!" Harsh had been waiting for a chance to plant the idea in Suketu's head. That was easier to do than to try and convince Sanyukta.

After he finished breakfast nanny took K2 away for a shower. Randhir tidied up the kitchen. He was fastidious about cleaning and would not stop until the counter sparkled.

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