Chapter 16: Missing

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(Alan POV)

I wake up in a unfamiliar bed, in a room I didn't know. I sit up and the silk blanket rushes down my body as I got off the bed and look outside the window and saw it was bright, which was uncommon here in Norway, I think I'm in Norway?. I walk outside and saw a modern hallway with stairs going down, I admired around as it seemed interesting and saw a picture of a guy with I think his wife, wait.. That was Tijs.., I saw records and awards on the walls and on podiums and wondered if I was in a celebrity's house. I walked downstairs to the living room, which well lit naturally by the sun. A small dog came up to me and looked at me while I think smiling?, I bent down and pet the dog and he took off in another room. I pretty sure I'm in Tijs house because of all the awards, albums and wedding photos on the wall. I heard footsteps come near the door and the door opened to reveal Tijs and his fiance walk in the doorway, he looked at me and smiled and I smiled back.

"Well Alan, you're awake, I guess you haven't met my fiance"He said as he put his arm around his lover. I didn't know a whole lot about her except she's an American model but nothing else.

"Hi Alan, nice to meet you, I'm Annika Backes!" She said enthusiastically. I shook her hand but didn't say anything, as I'm shy, even though I'm rarely shy.  She smiled comfortingly and went into the other room, where the dog went. I went up to Tijs and asked him.

"Tijs, am I in your house?" I asked him. It was a stupid question but I had to ask.

"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?"He said. I felt stupid when he said that because it was blankly obvious.

"Yeah it was... But how did I get here?"I asked once again. He sat me down on the couch and told me the story.

This is flashback font

(Tiesto's POV)

I was walking back home because both my cars coincidentally had both broken down so I had to walk in the rain. As I was walking, I saw a person curled up in a ball on the edge of the street shivering, I didn't want to be a bad person and leave them there so I put my umbrella over them to stop the rain from pouring on them. I waited for awhile and then they stood up maybe so they won't get their clothes wet. They then slowly squeezed their way into my arm and snuggled against me, I felt so warm with him pressed against me that I pulled him in tighter and then I realized who it was, it was Alan,. I faced him towards me and said his name, tears began to form in his eyes as he hugs me and I hugged him back. After a lot of hugging, I tried to pull him away but, he was asleep peacefully, I picked him up and took him to my house since I didn't know where he lived. I walked into my house and put him to rest in the guest bedroom and I went to sleep with Annika.

I was told the story and understood everything about what happened last night, but why was Tijs in Norway?.

"Tijs, why are you in Norway?"I asked him.

"Because I'm hosting a party here, that a lot of cool DJ's are attending to and since Annika is going to a photoshoot in Paris and she won't be back in 4 days, I could basically do what I want"He said excited.

"Party huh? sounds fun.."I said in disbelief. I really was tense and didn't want a party and because I've had the whole thing that happened last night with Chris. I can't believe I just ran away, my kids are still there and I can't seriously just leave them there, I just feel tense.

Cross My Heart And Hope To Die [Mellowalker] Book 1 * UNDER EDITING*  Where stories live. Discover now