Chapter 17: Disguise

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I used some of Annika's hair dye and a little bit of makeup to make my skin look smoother and I shaved a tiny bit. I dyed my hair a natural orange, and I feel like my attitude has changed since I changed the way I look but it's probably just a small feeling. I walked downstairs and saw Tijs and Annika and they looked shock as they saw my new appearance. Tijs went up to me and said.

"Alan, what did you do!?"He said in shock.

"What I needed to do"I answered back rather sassy.

"You can't just hide from the world and especially away from the person who loves you!"He shouted.

"Tijs is right Alan, you can't hide yourself away from society or from someone who deeply cares about you.."Annika said supporting Tijs.

"Whatever.., you're not my parents so why should I care?"I back talked her back. She looked surprised at my tone and so did Tijs.

"Look, we may not be your parents but we are a lot more older than you are, so you should be listening to us!"Tijs said rather more like a dad.

"Mmhm, say what you need to say.."I said as I went back upstairs but half way up and looked back and said.

"Oh and by the way Annika, you have a very 'nice' fiance so enjoy him while you'll still have him!"I cackled and went upstairs back into my bedroom. I looked on my phone and saw I had 39 missed calls from Chris.

"Do you really need him?" Said a raspy voice.
"Nah I don't"I said.
"Actually what's your name?"I asked the voice
"Glad ya asked, it's Pride and I'm here to make you so confident, you can do just about anything!"Pride said with utter confidence.
"Yeah, I'm going to need that a lot!" I responded.
"So.. Are you going to the party that Tijs is hosting?"Pride asked me.
"Maybe I will, but I probably won't drink"I answered back.
But that's the best part of a party, maybe what makes the parties fun is alcohol!"Pride said.
"Yeah but I don't wanna have a hangover or something, especially after what happened with Chris"I said.
"But maybe.. You'll have a one night stand with Tijs.."Pride said.
"What? No! he's gonna get married, I can't have a one night stand with someone who's like 27 years older than me!"I quickly responded.
"Oh is that so.."Pride said mischievously.
"Yeah.. What are you up to?"I asked Pride nervously.
"Well.. You can't lie about your own Lust can you?" Pride said.
"What are aiming for Pride" I said worryingly.
"Well I'm just saying that maybe you have a little thing towards him.."Pride said.
"Haha.. Don't lie Alan.. You like him.."Said a feminine voice.
"Now who's there!?"I said worried.
"No one just your Lust.."Lust said.
"I don't know what you two want but it better be something that doesn't require to take over!" I said nervously.
"Don't worry.. Me and Lust will only take over when your drunk and then we will satisfy the little urge you have with Tijs.."Pride said reassuringly enough.
"Ok.. Fine.."I said already feeling guilty as hell to agreeing with this.

I heard knocking on the door and heard a voice saying if they could come in, I said they could and Tijs walked in through the door.

"Hey um.. Did you mean those things you said down there?"He asked me nervously. I looked away for awhile and then stared back at him but didn't make full eye contact with him.

"I don't know what I said down there so I really don't know.."I said quietly. He nodded and then said.

"Hey what time is it?"He asked casually out of the blue. I looked at the time on my phone and told him.

"4:35PM"I answered him back.

"That party is in 4 hours, in case you were going" He said as he walked back downstairs. I'm assuming that his wife had left for Paris already when I was busy talking to the little voices, or should I say myself?.


I was mostly exploring Twitter about my 'disappearance', the reason I didn't want to turn myself in is because if I do, what if the whole thing happens again with Chris?, what if I caused so much hysteria with my family that they turned their back on me, what about.. Luna or Everlee?.. What's happening to them right now?, are they ok?, are they being hurt?. So much things had wondered in my mind, I couldn't focus anymore. But right now, I have to get ready for a party.

So I found a song that almost perfectly matches up with what's happening between Alan and Marshmello and it's called 'Let You Down' it's a really good song!. Anyways have a great day and I'll talk to my little blossoms later. Bye!. -EG!

Cross My Heart And Hope To Die [Mellowalker] Book 1 * UNDER EDITING*  Where stories live. Discover now