Monokuma x werewolf!reader

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I don't know what to write for this

Your family has had wolf blood coursing through them since forever. Your dad was a black wolf and he uses that against you and scares the shit out of you. Your mom was a white wolf and was more peaceful than your dad by a long shot. Your were a gray wolf with a white tummy and yellow eyes like your dad while your mom had blue eyes. In your human form you still have yellow eyes but you had (h/c) hair, your dad's was black and your mom's was platanium hair.

You go to school like the rest of the kids and other werewolfs but you were very distant and read books and just walked around during recess. Then in middle school you gained a few friends but they were quiet like you. When you were walking to class you bumped into this short kid, his name was Monokuma, you two became friends and nobody freaking expected that to happened.

The quiet one and the mischievous kid who always popped out of nowhere. What a great combination. "So (Y/n) whatcha doing for spring break" Kuma asked as you to walked home after school "My parents thought it would be a good idea for go camping first half the week" You said.

"Oh (Y/n) can I come with you!? I mean I'm half bear maybe I can recreate with nature! " Kuma practically yelled. "Yeah okay you know that saying I suddenly forgot?" You asked "The more, the merrier?" Kuma said answering the question with another question. "Yeah that" Yeah said kidding your head and walking to the front door.

"Hey Kuma we'll pick you up at Wednesday around 2:30 okay?" You said turning your head looking at him. "Yeah I'll be ready he said before turning around going home. You watched Kuma walk away for a few seconds before walking in your house not even a second later to be faced with your dad with a shit eating grin on his face. " So is that my future son-in-law? ~" He said raising his thicc eyebrows.

"Dad I will personally choke slam you into the floor"

|Time skip to Wednesday brought to you by plastic satanic babies|

Your parents car pulled up at Kuma's house "So should you text him or-"


A few seconds later Kuma came out with an old school bag and jogged to the back sit of the car next to you. "Hey (Y/n), hey Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)" Kuma said putting his seat belt on.

"Please call me dad" Your father said causing you to go slightly red.

|45 minutes later|

You guys were half a mile out of town so were weren't completely out of society incase something happens for you guys to call 911. "Okay listen up you two we need you guys to collect fire wood for the steak cheesey bacon potato hash foil packs and the Dutch oven apple cobbler, so we're gonna need a lot of wood so (Y/n) here's a hatchet" Your dad said tossing you a slightly beaten hatchet.

You and Kuma walked through the forest collecting wood for the fire. "Do you think we're going pretty far, forests are like nature's maze" Kuma said looking towards you chopping a branch from a fallen tree. "Even if we do get lost I'll track down my parents scent by second nature" You said placing to more branches and placed them in Kuma's already full arms

"That should be enough let's head back" You said leading the way.

'Holy shit she's gorgeous'

Kuma thought as he followed you behind, a few moments later you two came across an uneven ground that was a little steep so you wrapped your arm around Kuma's shoulder and walked down slowly made they're way down.

|Later on around one in the morning|

Kuma and you had to share a tent because you didn't want your dad to make un-fucking-comfortable future son in law jokes. Your sleeping until you heard Kuma move beside you and shook your shoulder, "(Y/n) wake up there's something outside" Kuma said a bit afraid. You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes and unzipped the tent a bit to look outside.

A bear cub

Usually a cub their age would be following behind their mother, she was nowhere to be seen. "It's a cub" You stated "we should help them home" You said getting out your jacket and ankle boots from this morning. "Isn't that dangerous? " Kuma asked getting up after you "No I'll show them my wolf form so it's fine" You said walking out the tent.

Kuma quickly put his shoes and jacket on and open a tent to see a gray wolf with it's back facing Kuma. The bear was looking at you with curious button eyes walking towards you and curled up to you. You placed your chin above the cubs head and morphed back into your human form with your arms wrapped around it while standing up and placing it on your back on piggy back form. You turned around and saw Kuma standing there still staring at you you, "Kuma come on you said snapping him out of his daydream and walked towards the forest with the bear still on your back, Kuma following behind you.

" I've never seen you in your wolf form, n-not like it's a bad t-thing it's just you looked really c-cool" Kuma said after a long silence "thanks" You said continuing towards the mother Bear's scent you picked up off the bear. "I'm glad you think that I never had a reason to be in my wolf form so I've gotten used to my human body, it's nice hearing you like both sides if me" You said smiling at Kuma with pink cheeks.


The cub on your back rawred and began trying to climb off your back so you let it down. It's mother came out and walked towards the cub nuzzling faces before looking at you then leaving.

|back at camp|

You and Kuma climbed back into your sleeping bags ready to go back to sleep before Kuma spoke up.

"Hey (Y/n)? "


"Do you think one day we'll make your dad's son in law jokes come true? " Kuma asked face beet red looking down waiting for your answer.

"Yeah, 100%" You said smiling before wrapping your arms around Kuma then a peck on the lips.

"Goodnight Kuma" You said before laying down.
"R-right sleep well (Y-y/n)"

Human!Monokuma x Reader (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now