Chapter 1: The Female God

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                 Barcelona Maternity Ward

                                May 21st


Arcana's P.O.V- They say childbirth is a wonderful gift. That it's the most beautiful thing anyone could witness; giving life. Well, guess what? IT HURTS LIKE HELL!

"Just breath Arcana! Keep pushing!" my mother, Lilith, said over the piercing sounds of my screams as I tried to bring my baby into the world. I may be the most powerful Wiccan since you, but that doesn't mean this hurts any less, mother dear! I wanted to scream at her. My grandmother, Tia Dalma, and my doctor were assuring me the baby was almost out, while my patient husband, Naveen, stroked my head and held my hand. After one more push, I heard the first cry of my little baby, and I fell back into the hospital bed in relief. I breathed heavily while they cleaned up my little one. I watched as Naveen kept craning his head around, trying to see our baby, and I couldn't help but laugh. I heard whispering and looked over at my mother and grandmother. They looked paralyzed from shock.

Before I could question them, the nurse brought me my baby. "Congratulations! It's a beautiful girl". I all but ripped my baby out of her hands from impatience. My face broke out into the biggest smile as I looked and my little angel. Her skin was a beautiful mix of sun-kissed and moonlit. I could see tiny golden blonde wisps of hair on her head. Her little fingers gently clutched mine as she cooed in the sweetest way. It was music to my ears."What should we name our little princess, darling?" Naveen asked, his face beaming with pride. I looked down at the sleeping angel in my arms, thinking hard of what name would fit the most when I felt extremely lightheaded. I laid her in my lap and leaned back against my pillow. "Dear, what's wrong?!" I could hear the fear in his voice plain as day. "Dizzy," I told him. Jeez, I knew childbirth was exhausting and all, and not to be dramatic, but I feel like I'm dying, I thought to myself, not wanting to scare my husband even more.

"We know exactly what's wrong with her, Querido," my mother spoke in a bewildered tone to her son-in-law. "Arcana, you probably can't tell from being so weak, but..." my grandmother trailed off, so I sat up, as much as I could, to look at her. She had a serious look on her face, as did my mother. I raised my eyebrows as if to say, "go on." She took a deep breath before speaking. "Nieta, this little girl, she's going to change the world one day." Then my mother spoke, "We didn't think this would be possible, but your child is even more powerful than you and all three of us combined!" "The power rolls off her in waves and hits like a tsunami!" My grandmother chimed in.

I looked down at my little girl in awe. A child more powerful than the three pillars? How could my child be more powerful than me? My husband was as gobsmacked as I was. He picked her up slowly and held her out in front of him. "I can feel it, my love. She's incredibly strong. I feel dizzy just holding her!"I pondered all this to myself. I wasn't angry or jealous of my little baby. The power of a Wiccan can never be determined, nor would we ever be envious of our own kind, it's beneath us. But my power surpassed that of my mother and grandmother, and their powers surpassed all other Wiccans that came before them. So how could my little baby surpass all three of us? I wondered.

"She's going to hold the world in the palm of her hands someday. She'll have powers even beyond our imagining and skill" my mother said, her voice filled with awe. "She needs a powerful name, Arcana. One worthy of the female God that she'll become." I nodded in agreement. "Could I hold her again, mi amor? I asked Naveen. He handed her over, and I gazed upon her sleeping figure once more. As I reached out and gently stroked her face, her little eyes fluttered open, and I gasped in amazement.They sparkled as she cooed and giggled in my arms. Her eyes were like two little sapphires, royal blue, and as wet as the ocean. They glistened in the light and her tiny laugh tinkled and echoed in my ears, and for the first time, I felt her powerful aura. It hit me like a flood as I peered into her eyes. Right at that moment I knew exactly what name to give her. "Julia shall be her name. My beautiful warrior".

*Querido* Spanish for "dear" in masculine form

*Nieta* Spanish for "granddaughter"

*Mi amor* Spanish for "my love"

**Beautiful Warrior is an actual meaning for the name "Julia" I'd give the source of where I found this, but I found out this information as a high school Freshman, so I can't even remember

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