Chapter 9: Becoming a Goddess Part 2

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Ra's P.O.V.- I have not sat on Earth for many moons. The last time I ever ventured down here was to see my grandson, Horus, become King. And that was centuries ago. I never thought I would never have another reason to leave the Sun, nor did I ever think I would have another child. Even though this child is not my flesh and blood, she is my child, nonetheless. A true Child of the Sun. And is what brings me here today.

"Nervous?" asked Horus, who stood next to me. I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled. "Don't worry Grandfather, for nothing on Earth is going to spoil this day." I nodded, "I just want this day to be perfect. Besides, she is still a child. I do not believe she is ready for such heavy burdens." A scoffing laugh came from the right side of my throne. "I am surprised to hear that from you, my Lord." It was Thoth, God of Wisdom. "As her teacher, she has long since been more than ready to take her place amongst the Gods."

Horus looked at his former teacher with curiosity. "I thought you said true readiness was a difficult state to achieve?" he asked him. Thoth waved his hand, dismissing his words. "For you, as well as most people in the world, this is true. But I have never met someone as bright as Julia. And coming from me, that is a very great accomplishment. However, once she finally becomes a Goddess, think of all the things I will teach her. She could even be as wise as me!"

I rolled my eyes. Thoth was very vain, then again, he knew literally everything. "So, you believe she is truly ready, Thoth?" I asked, slight concern in my voice. He looked at me with serious, yet reassuring eyes, and nodded. "If she was not ready, then the world would never be." I sighed, deeply. "Yes, after all," I looked to the Sun, and smiled, "She is my child".

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