Chapter 15: New Home

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*A/N: Girls in order of picture, Onyx and Ravenna

Narrator's P.O.V- Excitement was in the air, as well as nerves. Naveen and Arcana watched as Julia squealed excitedly at the large jet that sat on the runway. As an act of open-mindedness, Naveen decided that if his princess was going to live in Beverly Hills and travel the world, she should do it in style. So, he bought her a posh private jet for her own use. Julia wasn't the only one that was excited about this new life of luxury. Her poodle, Appoline, barked widely and ran in and out and around the large jet. Appoline was Julia's princess, and one of her breadwinners. She raised the French poodle since she was a puppy, and ever since Julia was 13, Appoline had won many dog shows, all first place. Naveen laughed softly as he watched his daughter and her dog poising and taking pictures in the jet.

A loud whinny made Naveen turn around and shake his head. A beautiful pure black mare was being led to a large horse plane, whinnying and trying to pull away. It was ironic that a horse that practically flew whenever it ran and jumped was afraid of flying. But, Midnight was Julia's pride and joy, so, she gets an entire plane to herself. A low growl came from next to him. Two trainers were leading a golden lioness into her travel cage. Along with Onyx and Ravenna, Zera was going along with her mistress, mostly to protect her, but because Julia couldn't bear to leave her behind. Julia ran over to Zera and spoke to her before putting her in her cage. While the trainers placed her in the back of the jet, Julia went to Midnight to take care of her, she was giving the stable boy's problems, not wanting to leave without her favorite human. Julia kissed her horse with ecstasy before leading her inside the trailer.

"All set, princess?" Naveen asked his daughter. Julia smiled brightly at her father, but rather than answer him, she embraced him tightly. Naveen looked ready to cry. It seemed like only yesterday he held his little girl in his arms. Now she was a young woman, ready to take on the world. "We'll keep her safe, your Majesty's," Onyx said, a self-assured smile on her face. "We know you will, ladies. You've both served this family well, especially our Princess". It was true, Onyx had been protecting Julia all her life, Ravenna had only been with her a few years, but she took her duties seriously. "Are you girls going to survive California"? Naveen joked. His wife gently nudged her husband, but the girls and his daughter laughed. "It'll take some getting used to, but Beverly Hills will not differ from the royal life in the castle," Ravenna told him.

The captain poked his out and announced that they were ready to take off. Julia faced her parents and spoke excitedly, "Well, this is it!" Her parents hugged her tightly. Arcana caressed Julia's face and told her, "You're going to be great, Mija. The world is going to love you". Julia's eyes became glossy, but she didn't cry. Her father kissed her forehead and held her again. "Be safe, princess" he whispered to her. When he let her go, he looked into her face, tears in his eyes, and said, "Make the world yours. And shine brightly enough for all to see". Julia knew what he meant when he said "all", he was referring to Heaven and all the angels that hated her kind, Nephil. "I'll make you proud, Daddy," she told him with conviction. He chuckled and patted her head. "You've already done that your entire life."

And with those parting words, Julia waved to her parents, beckoned to her dog, and entered the jet. "She's going to rule the world," Naveen said to his wife as they watched the jet pick up speed. Arcana smiled, then turned to her husband and said, "She already does". And with that, the jet took to the sky, carrying the Princess to her new life amongst the humans.

*During takeoff*

Julia sighed softly to herself as she looked away from the window, no longer able to see her parents. She scratched Appoline behind her ears and looked around the jet. It was very luxurious, and her father had spared no expense for her. Onyx and Ravenna sat at the front, near the crew pit, both looking out the window. She wondered how it felt for them to be flying through the sky without wings, but she knew better than to ask. They hated their life in Heaven, hence why they were Fallen Angels, and they had long ago told her it was nothing like humans think, a perfect paradise. It was paradise, but, perfect? No. Ravenna was an Avenging Angel in Heaven, and Onyx was an Angel of Death. Both have a dark side, increased since they fell to Earth. But they're sweet to me, seeing me more like a little sister than a Princess they swore to protect.

"Your dad must be proud that you're living yet another life of luxury, Onyx," Julia said, jokingly. The black-haired girl turned to her; her yellow eyes softened. "Going from a castle to Beverly Hills? Yeah, dad thinks it's more "fitting" not that I care. Anywhere is better than New York in my opinion." Julia laughed. Her father lived a luxurious life in New York, but the hustle and bustle of it all made Onyx uneasy. "So, you'd rather live in hot and sunny California than crazy New York?" Ravenna laughed at her. "Because me and sunshine? Not besties". Julia giggled. Ravenna was light-skinned, not pale, but not tan either. Onyx is completely fair-skinned, but she doesn't mind sunlight, unlike Ravenna, who prefers moonlight. I know that Fallen are lone wolves with their own lives, Ravenna is more so that way than Onyx, but Ravenna's been alone for years, Onyx had someone to care for her. But here they are, two Fallen Angels, moving to California to protect a Nephil. Life is funny that way.

"Don't worry about us, Princess. You just focus on shaking the world to the mother-effing core. We'll be fine." I smiled at Ravenna. She has this uncanny ability to guess what I'm thinking, without reading my mind. "Besides, we saw the house you bought! I'd get my wings ripped out all over again to have a place like that"! We all laughed, Ravenna is more appreciative of luxury than Onyx, which probably comes from having nothing during the years she was alone down on Earth. Onyx can appreciate it too, but she's more of a "joy on the inside" type of person. They keep me balanced, selfless, and humble, despite my expensive tastes. I smiled to myself before laying my head back to sleep. I'm so grateful for them, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

*Time skip*

Light shaking woke me, it was Onyx, telling me we had landed. I jumped out of my seat and flung the window open, which I had closed to take a nap. I saw palm trees everywhere. The sun was as bright as ever (I would know). The airport was huge, and there were a few other private jets and planes surrounding mine. Appoline barked and jumped up to look outside. I kissed her head and followed the girls out to a Range Rover that was waiting for us. I bounced in my seat as the car drove along Rodeo Drive and 5th Avenue. Appoline's head was sticking out the window, her tail wagged like crazy from happiness.

This was it, I thought to myself. I was ready to start a new life. And I knew I would succeed, and that I would be kept safe to achieve my dreams. California was perfect because there isn't a single Fallen Angel here, according to Onyx. She told me most Fallen either stay in the Commune in Ireland or live in New York or Maine. Maine, she told me once, has the largest population of Nephil, therefore, large amounts of Fallen. So much so that it makes New York seem small. After some time, we reached Alpine Drive, my neighborhood. Going through the large gate to the community, we drove on for a bit until we went up a long driveway, which leads to a large marble home. "Oh, my God!" we all said at once. Appoline barked like crazy.

We stepped out of the car, Appoline bounded straight for the large backyard behind the house and began running circles all over it. The three of us just gaped open-mouthed. Finally, I smiled and spoke to myself, "Welcome home, Julia". 

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