Chapter 14: Fights

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Julia's P.O.V- I've always found it funny that people can end up crying from happiness. Joy is supposed to be something to, well, enjoy. Yet here I was, crying tears of joy. My heart was practically bursting out of my chest. I hope my parents will be just as happy as I am, but I am worried. Children don't leave home until they're 18 in our family. But this has always been my dream. Surely my parents wouldn't deny me this opportunity?

"¿Madre? ¿Padre? ¿Dónde estás?" I call throughout the house. "In here, darling" I hear my mother call from our library. I rush through the doors, my face beaming with excitement. I'm about to speak until I notice the multiple real estate printouts spread all over one of the tables. Both my parents have laptops up and running, their checkbooks open, ready to be filled in. "What's going on?" I asked timidly, afraid we were moving. My father frowns slightly and looks to my mother, as if to say, "I want no part of this." She glares at him before smiling at me. "We're finding a home in Portland for us to stay in." I was confused.

"Why do we need a home in Maine?" I frowned slightly. I know of some very pretty places in Maine, but Portland? Not exactly the kind of place you'd find my family in. "Well, I'd much rather we live there than in Coldwater. It's cold, foggy, and rainy there all year round." My father and I grimaced at the same time. "Why are we getting a home in Maine, anyway?" My father's frown deepened. "Because your brother lives in Coldwater. Portland isn't that far from it."

I could hear the slight note of disgust in my father's voice. Unfortunately, my mother heard it as well, which was evident in her slamming her laptop shut hard enough to break it. "How many times are we going to fight about this, my love?!" I tensed at the way she addressed my dad. Better break it up now before it turns worse. "I have news!" I yelled loudly. Mother looked from me to my dad, then she took a deep breath and collected herself. I saw my dad breathe a small sigh of relief. "Yes, sweetheart?" my father asked.

I felt my smile from before spread across my face. "I've been offered a modeling contract!" I clapped. My mother's eyes went wide, and my father looked puzzled. "A... modeling contract?" my dad choked out the words. My smile slipped slightly at this. Was my dad not happy for me? But my mother clapped and shot from her chair. "Oh, Julia! This is amazing news!" She kissed the top of my head and turned me to face my dad. "Just imagine, dear. Our little princess, a model!" My father couldn't look at me. "Dear, you've only been 16 for a month. Cheshvan starts in 5 months. You think it's a good idea to add a public life of fame to that?"

My heart broke. I knew where my father was coming from. And I worried about this too, but still... "Naveen! How dare you! She would've had a public life anyway at 18!" mother snapped at him. "You know how my family works! Or were you planning on shutting her away from the world for all her eternal life?" I peaked at my father's face through my curtain of hair. He inhaled sharply at her accusations and looked away from us. I felt my mother shake in rage, her fingernails almost piercing my shoulder as she gripped it tightly.

"So, that was your plan, was it? You thought that because she's the future queen that she would live like a hermit? Shut away from the human world, and all because she's half Nephil?!" mother was practically screaming at him now, and I could tell she was trying hard to restrain herself from exploding. "How. Dare. You!" I felt heat coming from my mother's hand and I knew what that meant; she was going to attack my father. "ENOUGH!" I screamed at them, but it was louder than I intended because I ended up breaking the windows.

"I'm tired of you two fighting over this!" I was speaking to them both, but I glared at my father with full force. "I am proud of who I am, regardless of the dangers! I have never been ashamed or afraid of being half Nephil. And why should I?" My father still wouldn't look at me. "My own father, my flesh and blood. The man who helped bring me into this world! You would sit here, unable to even look me in the eye, and tell me you would deny me a chance at fulfilling my dreams? That you would rather me stay hidden forever?" I wanted to cry, but I knew that would get me nowhere. So, I clenched my fists and continued. I wasn't backing down. "I know of the dangers I face, but I am prepared for them! Onyx and Ravenna have been preparing me all these years. Plus, my family's magic is the most powerful in the universe!"

I saw my mother beaming with pride. Whether it was because of my strength or about our family, I didn't know. "I am going after my dreams. And nothing and no one is going to stop me!" at my words, I felt a surge of energy leave me, creating a powerful wind that whipped my hair behind me. If I looked in a mirror, I probably would've looked powerful, and dangerous. I glared at my dad and pointed a warning finger at him. "Not even you, father dear." My dad looked up at me, slowly, and I noticed he was shaking slightly. Finally, he met my gaze, and he had tears in his eyes. He was slightly for a moment. Then, with a shaky breath, he spoke in a broken voice. "If that is what you want, little one. I will do nothing to change your mind."

I felt my energy retreat inside my body. The wind ceased and my father relaxed a bit. He got up shakily from his chair and approached me with caution. When he stood in front of me, he gently cupped my chin and looked at me with tears spilling from his eyes. "I need to remember that you're a young woman now. And I also need to remember how powerful you truly are." He let out a watery chuckle and took my hands into his. "Forgive your old man for being so foolish. Fear blinded me; fear of the Fallen and fear of letting you grow up."

He kissed my head and turned to leave. When he reached the door, he looked back with a sad smile. "I'll take care of getting us ready for Maine, Arcana. You focus on getting our little princess ready to leave the nest". And with that, he left. 

And now, it was my turn. California, here I come!      

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