Chapter 5- A Star is Born pt.1

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The Paris Opera House

Narrator's P.O.V.- The twinkling sound of a child's laughter rang through the walls of the grand opera house. The ballerinas were stretching and warming up on stage while the music group assembled their instruments and such. The pitter-patter of little feet could be heard now, and the ballerinas were giggling at the small child that was rushing towards them. Little Julia was now 4 years old, bright-eyed with startling golden curls, and tons of energy. Like most Wiccan children, Julia's powers were rapidly developing. By the time she was 2, an early age, but not uncommon to a child born from powerful Wiccans, she possessed her most basic powers.

Her Uncle Erik's opera house was one of her favorite places to be. She loved the music and her favorite thing to do was run around with the ballerinas, pretending she could fly across the stage, like some of them seemed to do. One would think a small child as energetic as Julia would be an issue and a nuisance, but this wasn't true. The ballerinas loved Julia, as did everyone that worked in the opera house. The musicians would play pretty music for her to nap to, or lively tunes for when she wanted to run around and play.

The inhabitants of the opera house treated her like a spoiled angel and a pet, and no one could ever tell her "no", not that they wanted to. Today, however, was not a normal day, much as it started out like one. The ballerinas all fussed over the child, as usual, cooing and fawning over her, some fighting to hold her and such. The maestro was ready for rehearsal to start, and the ballerinas reluctantly placed Julia down so she could watch them dance. "Swan Lake" played, and Julia sat there on stage excited as ever.

The Prima Ballerina, Victoriana, or "Tori" took her place at the front of the stage and began her dance. Julia loved Victoriana, for she was very pretty and very talented. While Tori did her pirouette, she looked over at Julia and smiled at the little girl, who was now spinning around in time of the music. The choreographer, Elliana told Tori to go into the grand jete, but before Tori could jump, she stopped moving completely. The music stopped, and Elliana walked over to figure out what was wrong. She looked in the same direction as Tori and became just as shocked. Julia was doing a perfect pirouette over and over in her corner of the stage. Her body was positioned the right way. The pointing of her feet was perfect, and her twirls were timed correctly. When she realized the music had stopped, Julia ceased her twirling. All the ballerinas were staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at her. The orchestra group was astonished as well.

"Maestro, please, play the music at once!" The maestro, Raul, nodded and gestured for the musicians to resume playing. Tori walked over to Julia and took her hand in hers, guiding her over to the front of the stage. "Come little one, dance with me," said Tori as she pirouetted. Julia cooed and giggled happily as she mimicked the ballerina. After a few more turns, Tori did some basic ballet moves, finding that the little girl could do them perfectly.Finally, Tori went into her grand jete, landing perfectly. A momentary hush. Everyone watched Julia with bated breath until she was air-born. Julia took a great leap into the air and mastered a perfect grand jete. Landing perfectly as Tori had done, they met her with silence. About a dozen or more people had been watching and no one, not even the Prima Ballerina could fathom what had happened. After a few moments, the thundering sounds of clapping and cheering broke the silence.

Among all the inhabitants of the opera house, Arcana and her husband were beaming with pride at their little girl. Everyone immediately surrounded the princess with words of praise and awe. Tori picked Julia up and hugged her tightly, swinging her and spinning in circles. "This child has a natural-born gift! This talent should not be squandered but practiced! I insist the child practices with us every day from now on!" All the other ballerinas clapped and cheered in agreement. High above the stage, cloaked in the darkness of box 5, stood a man of black and a half-concealed face. He had been watching the ballerinas and the precious little princess. His smile was wide and his eyes bright behind his half-mask. "Enfant précieux, this is only the beginning. One day, mon petit, you will be a star."

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