Goldheart/Cipriano Family History

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Aside from being Catholics, Arcana's marriage to Naveen brought about different religious ways into the family. For the Goldhearts, they were a melting-pot of nationalities. Egyptian, Greek, Italian, French, British, Asian, German and Russian. The first Goldheart was a Greek woman who fell in love with an Egyptian man. For 100 years, the family remained so, until the world started expanding. New discoveries were made, and more countries claimed. And so, the family traveled and discovered new lands to live in, which lead to their nationality extension.

The Goldhearts were also a family of witches and wizards. Warlocks and priestesses. Enchantresses and sorceresses. They either studied magic in order to obtain it, or were blessed, gifted or chosen to have power. The family bonded to different deities, either Greek or Egyptian, and powerful bonds are formed between child and deity. It is almost like creating a demi-god, but through a union of mirrored souls, rather than by DNA.

Over 600 years Arcana and Naveen have been married. The families did not get along at first. The Cipriano's believed power is either something you're born with or born into, rather than studying it or taking it for oneself. But true love always prevails, and their union prospered thus uniting two great kingdoms. And with it, new traditions. When Arcana become pregnant, it was decided that their child would be the first to receive all that the new traditions would have to offer.

And this brings us to today

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