Chapter 4: Ra's Blessings and Bond

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Ra's P.O.V- I watched as Arcana's little girl was passed around to every Greek God and Goddess. I observed their smiling faces, listened to their words of praise and sounds of excitement. I, myself, couldn't fathom what all the fuss was about. Perhaps it was my ancient age or my cynicism that was preventing my understanding of why such an extravagant spectacle was being made over the child. Now, I'm not daft, for even I can sense her powerful aura from all the way across the room.

I glanced around at my fellow deities, all eager to have their turn with the child. Thoth, the God of wisdom, stood rim-rod straight next to me, with a haughty facial expression. I turned to him and spoke my doubts. "Tell me, Wise Lord of the Sacred Word, what do you think of the princess?" He pondered for a moment and then spoke in an all-knowing voice. "At the moment, I cannot make certain conclusions about the child, but, her power overflows beyond words. If I am right, and I am always right, then she will become the most powerful being ever born."I frowned at his words. "None is mightier below the Sun, I thought you'd be wise enough to know that, Thoth." He nodded his head in respect, but his face showed my words offended him. "You know, my Lord, this child was born under the Sun. They say her little blonde hairs are the color of sun gold, and the warmth that flows through her is as warm as the Sun." He gave me a challenging smirk. "Surely you would know that, my Lord," he said in a condescending voice.

"Great God Ra! It would be an honor for you to hold and bless my child, for she is the true vision of your greatest creation. Come." Arcana spoke, holding the baby in her arms. I sighed and walked up to the large platform the family all stood on and looked down at the little princess. I held out my arms and Arcana placed the baby into them. It was true, the little baby was very warm but comforting. The tiny blonde hairs on her head were the color of bright gold, like the Sun. Her skin was sun-kissed but held the shimmering of the moon as well, all mixed perfectly.

Her little ocean blue eyes glittered and sparkled as I gazed upon her face. The last time I ever held a child was when my own children were born so very long ago. Holding her now, I could feel her power flowing through her like a flood. Her skin practically radiated power, making it seem like she could explode any minute. "Such power for such a small body, your Majesty." Arcana nodded her head. "We thought no one could surpass me in power, but, low and behold, my only child surpasses us all. Even you, Lord of Light." I wanted to argue her statement, but I found myself at a loss for words. This little baby truly held substantial power inside her, itching to be released. Her tiny mouth curled into a soft smile, and she babbled sweetly in my arms, trying to reach the crown on my head. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "I never thought I'd see such a precious child since my own children were born. But I look upon this little princess, and I feel as if she were my own."

It was at that moment that I felt a warmth flow through me. Some of my own power escaped me, and I watched it envelop the child. My power did not harm her, rather it warmed her, as she continued to babble and giggle at the feeling. It was then that I knew I had to claim this girl as my own. "Golden Princess, I claim thee now as a child of the Sun. In your own kingdom, I will give you the power to raise the Sun each morning for the rest of your immortal life. You shall be the only one, other than myself, who can control the greatest creation of the world. You will be the only one to shine brighter than the Sun. Your beauty and your soul will reflect the Sun, and you will gain energy and strength from it for all time."

I took my necklace off and placed it on Julia. She grabbed it with her little hands and started teething on it. A golden light exploded around the two of us, engulfing and flowing around us like a shield. The necklace I gave her glowed brightly, and it hummed with power. The golden light around us flowed into the necklace, turning it into solid gold.

Everyone stood in awe, even myself, completely baffled that I claimed the child.

And I knew, looking down at that smiling face, that I would never regret it.

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