Chapter 2: Aphrodite's Blessings and Bond

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Cipriano Family Castle

May 24th


Narrator P.O.V.- It had been 3 days since Princess Julia was born. The entire Cipriano family and the Goldheart family were standing all around the grand ballroom inside the Cipriano family castle. News of Julia's power spread like wildfire over the past few days, and many powerful people and deities were eager to pay tribute to the new Princess. Arcana and Naveen stood around Julia's cradle, along with Lilith and Tia Dalma. The doors burst open and the Greek Goddesses flooded into the room, all fighting over who will hold the baby first. The Gods were in their wake, shaking their heads at the Goddesses bickering.

"I'm the Goddess of Childbirth, Aphrodite!" screamed Hera, the Queen of Olympus. "I don't care! She's my child! Arcana made a deal with me, and by Olympus, I will have her first!" shouted Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty. True to her words, Aphrodite reached the cradle first and scooped up the baby, kissing her little face with ecstasy. She cooed over the little baby while the other Goddesses fought for a place around the baby. They all fawned over the little princess, stroking her little head and face, trying to get her attention.

"Ladies, you're crowding my child. Give her some breathing room. Don't overwhelm her now!" Arcana spoke in a commanding but playful voice. The other Goddesses sighed and grumbled in disappointment but gave Aphrodite room. "There now, little princess. Now you're all mine!" Aphrodite had never been so happy in her life. And she had a point about having a right to the little baby.

When Arcana learned she was pregnant, she prayed to Aphrodite that she would bless the baby with the beauty of her husband, rather than continuing the never-ending Gothic beauty that the Cipriano family were well known for. Aphrodite heard her prayer, but she was troubled. How could she say no to the prayers of the current Queen, much less a soon-to-be mother?

Now, as history will tell you, Aphrodite was the most beautiful person to exist, and she did not take kindly to anyone who claimed they were more beautiful than she. So, when Arcana pleaded with her 9 months ago with her request, she had to give it some thought. What would she gain in creating a child that might surpass her in beauty? She had thought hard about Arcana's wish. The family has been incredibly faithful to the Gods for centuries. They have always given us offerings and prayers of thanks. Plus, Arcana is beyond powerful, what would it say about Aphrodite if she refused Arcana's wish? Aphrodite continued to ponder the matter to herself. Finally, she told Arcana she made her choice. "I will grant your Majesty's wish in creating your child. But the child will belong to me. I will bond with the baby at its welcome ceremony, and I will raise it to be my own." Her request troubled Arcana. "Do not misunderstand me. I won't be taking the child; I will share its life and teachings with you and your husband. The child will be my liaison."

And so, they made an agreement. This brings us back to the present. Aphrodite had hundreds of beautiful dresses made for the little princess, who she still held in her arms. "Oh, just look at those eyes! She'll entrance every man who looks at her!" Hera, Athena, and Artemis rolled their eyes, but a quick glance between each other showed they secretly agreed with Aphrodite. "We hope that you'll pass on your knowledge of love to the child, rather than your other talents, Aphrodite," said Hera in a scorning voice. Aphrodite's eyes flashed dangerously, a warning that her anger was going to show. "Ladies!" Arcana yelled loudly, "Please if you cannot get along, you will be removed!" This silenced Hera immediately. Aphrodite turned her attention back onto the precious jewel in her arms. Julia cooed and giggled sweetly as she tugged at the Goddess's hair and touched the jewels around her neck and arm. "Already she appreciates beauty. Don't you, precious?" The baby laughed as she teethed on one of Aphrodite's shiny rings.

"Now, little one, it's time for your gift. Aphrodite placed a hand on Julia's heart and spoke in a soft soothing voice. The room began to smell like roses, and a small crown of white roses appeared on Julia's head. "Darling princess. Today I claim thee as my daughter, for it was I who helped create you. My gift to you is everlasting beauty, and you shall be the only one to be more beautiful than I." Aphrodite's words were as shocking as they were unbelievable. The baby glowed bright pink, the smell of roses was overpowering. "But," Aphrodite continued, "Physical beauty is not all you shall be known for. I also bless you with eternal inner beauty. Your heart shall be bigger than all mortals, for it will hold everlasting love and joy in it." "You will use this love to help me with my duties, which, in time, will also become yours." When Aphrodite finished blessing the princess, the glow vanished, and the crown of roses shrank into a tiny circlet tiara made of white diamond roses.

"Your beauty will be a force to be reckoned with, little one. It will be known throughout the entire world, among mortals and Gods, and everything in between. This is final." And Aphrodite sealed her words with a tiny kiss on the baby's heart. It glowed for a moment, then vanished.

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