Chapter 3: Poseidon's Blessings and Bond

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Narrator's P.O.V.- After all the other Goddesses took their turns in holding and blessing the baby, it was time for the men. Zeus, giving honor where honor was due, held her first. Well, tried to hold her. Before he could place his hands on the baby, she began to fuss. Arcana went over to hold her baby, apologizing to the King of Olympus, insisting that she was probably just tired. Poseidon, Zeus's brother, laughed. "Look at that brother, a girl that actually doesn't enjoy your company!" Everyone laughed, but Zeus just scowled at his brother. "Guess I'll try then, Arcana," The God of the Seas walked over to the baby and lifted her in his arms. Julia ceased her fussing and her little eyes widened at the sight of the God. Everyone was still and quiet. Poseidon stared at the child's face. He peered deep into her eyes and gasped and what he saw. In Julia's blue eyes, Poseidon saw the ocean swirling around in them.

Julia cooed and reached out one of her little hands and touched Poseidon's face. Warmth surged through him as he watched the ocean waves in Julia's eyes. "The mark of the sea..." Poseidon whispered. "I've never seen a child so in tune with water, not even my own children have the mark." Poseidon's wife, Amphitrite, peered over his shoulder. She too could see the ocean in her eyes. "This child is destined to be a child of the sea, my love." Poseidon couldn't speak. The baby gripped one of his fingers in her tiny hands and giggled.

An enormous smile spread across the God's face. He looked over his shoulder at a large fountain in the room. Smirking, he waved his hand and urged the water to rise into the air and made it swirl slowly above the little princess. She giggled and babbled happily as she tried to reach the water. "Dear little princess, I know now what gift to bestow upon you. When you are older, you will become one of the greatest creatures of the sea; a mermaid. One of significant power and enchantment. You will help me in protecting and controlling all the seas and oceans, as well as love all its creatures and residents. You shall have a kingdom of your own, and you will be the Empress of all mermaids and merfolk. This, I promise you, my little sea star."

As he spoke, a beautiful ocean blue glow came from Julia. The smell of the sea was as strong as the smell of roses that came from Aphrodite's blessing. A tiny seashell mark was placed on Julia's heart, then disappeared. "This child's love of the water will only grow as she gets older. She will always long for it, to be near it or in it. To play with its creatures and be amongst them. She will be able to detect the ocean or the sea from miles away, as I can. She'll be enchanted by it and her longing for it will never cease."

And so, little Julia became bonded to on of the most powerful God's ever known.

Until it was the turn of the Egyptian Gods.

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