Chapter 12: The Young Woman

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This is just a fun little chapter to read. Enjoy!

Narrator's P.O.V: Today was the day. Julia's Quince. Her transition into womanhood. Arcana's family has been planning this day since she was thirteen. Despite a slight mishap on Naveen's part, trying to find a spell that would prevent Julia from aging, everything was going according to plan. The house was decorated from roof to floor, servants and family members alike were bustling about here and there to do any last-minute touches. Arcana stood at the center of it all, giving commands and overseeing everything. Julia's Honor Court had arrived, and Onyx, a Fallen Angel that was her lifelong guard and best friend, was among them, in a sparkling black and blue dress, barking out orders to the guards that had arrived to receive their stations. Arcana walked over to the group of teenagers to make sure everyone remembered their places. They all went to stand with Julia's parents by the staircase, waiting for the princess to emerge.

Upstairs in her room is our princess, twirling in front of a large mirror and placing her tiara on her head. (See picture above) Since she was an actual princess, her quince would not have a crowning ceremony. She smiled at her reflection. She was ready. Picking up her skirts, she walked down the stairs. Everyone was in awe and admired her beauty. Her father began crying immediately. Her mother kissed her on the head before leading her daughter and the honor court to their limo to head to the ceremony.

Time Skip

After the ceremony was complete, the reception began. Julia's Honor Court had their introduction, then came the young princess, escorted by Corazon, her honor escort and best friend. Then came the Changing of the Shoes, which took some time to complete, because Julia's father was in full-blown tears by that time. Once her heels were placed on her feet came the waltz with her father, who cried even harder. Then she and Corazon had their turn until it was time for her whole Honor Court to join in.

While everyone was having fun, Arcana, Lilith, and Tia Dalma stood in the back of the room, whispering to each other. "It's finally happened. Our little girl is all grown up now. A young woman." Lilith said. "She's going to do great things, Arcana" Tia Dalma commented. Julia's mother smiled across the room as Julia twirled around with Onyx and a few other girls. "She already has." "Now all she has to do is make it through next year when she's finally 16" "And ripe for the picking" Lilith and Tia Dalma said darkly. Arcana glared at her mother and grandmother. "Today is not the day to even think about that. Today is a day for celebration" she said, smiling again, seeing Eros pick Julia up and spin her around, Aphrodite laughing next to him. Poseidon and Ra stood next to Naveen, all three of them had proud tears in their eyes.

As Arcana looked around the room at the family members and deities that attended the celebration, she knew that no matter what, Julia would always be safe, even when she turns 16. When she would be in danger for the rest of her immortal life.

Author Note: For Anyone that doesn't know what a Quince is, it is Spanish for 15, an abbreviation for the word Quinceanera. In Spanish countries and even Hispanic families in the United States, it is a celebration that marks the transition from childhood to young womanhood. There are traditions that make up the celebration, like the Crowing of the Quinceanera, which is traditionally done by the girl's mother. A headpiece worn by the Quince is to be replaced with a tiara or crown. A scepter can also be presented to the Quince at the same time. Like I pointed out, Julia is an actual princess, so, to honor that, she already wore a tiara, so there was no need for that ceremony. There is also a tradition called Presentation of the Last Doll, which is a doll given by the Quince's father, as a special father-daughter-moment, and then the girl either gives it to a younger sister under 15 or throws it to other young girls that attend the ceremony, also under 15. This symbolizes the transition into adulthood. With this, she leaves behind her toys to take on new roles, new interests in adult life, become independent, and assume responsibility. Julia has no little sister, and I did not feel like adding that ceremony in.

This chapter was just meant to be short and fun, and I wanted to give a nod to Julia's other half of her heritage. 

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