Chapter Two

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I could see Demi in her car, still sitting outside school. It didn't really hit me that anything was up at first, I just thought she was doing her makeup in that little mirror that is attached to the sunshade. You know what I mean, you pull the little shade thing down above you if you're in the front of the car and, usually, there's a little mirror (sometimes with a light) on the back of it. She keeps prodding at her cheeks. I looked at the classroom clock and then shot my hand up, the teaching assistant hurrying to my side.

"What is it, Anna?" I pondered on the spot for a moment, unable to get my words out.

"What is the time?"

She glanced at her watch and then looked up at me. "It's quarter past seven, Anna," she patted me on the shoulder and went to tend to the other students.

Demi was meant to start work fifteen minutes ago - I think - why is she still outside?


I still don't know what to do. I don't want to take Anna out of class before it's hardly started but I think it would be good just to get her away from here and back at mine before I tell her anything. She's only 9, not only is she too young to really understand, she is too young to lose her parents. I'm not trying to say there is a certain age to lose your parents, but nobody should have the vital people in their life ripped away. She is yet to be a teenager, Anna needs mom to help her during those - what can be horrible - years. Mom was my rock during my teenage years and I know Anna is going to miss out on that. That's what breaks me, alongside many other things.

I took one more glance in the mirror and sighed heavily. I know this is the best thing and Anna just needs to get away from this all before someone - other than me - tells her about the tragic news that is bound to hit the tabloids any second now. I can see it now, Demi Lovato's parents in fatal car crash or Demi Lovato's going Solo (they'll find anything to use as the title, even one of the titles of my songs, really) and everything else they can possibly do to sell papers, whether or not it hurts my feelings.

"I can do it, I can do it for Anna," I mumbled to myself over and over again, getting out of the car and locking it behind me.

The blinds of the classrooms at the front of the school were up and I wasn't quite sure if Anna was in there or not. Too many kids, they all look the same this far away. I made my way through the school doors and trodded up and down the hallway, looking for someone who could help me.

"Hello? May I help you?" I heard behind me.

She wore a black dress to the knees and her glasses were rested on her nose. Ah, obviously someone who can help. I turned my head to look at the woman and forced a smile, alongside a nod.

"Yes. I'm Anna Lovato's sister, Demi. I, uh, family problems... I need to take her out of school," before the woman could request proof, I waved my driver's license in front of her face.

She smiled back at me, as if I could read her mind. "Yes, yes, you can. Please come with me."

The elementary school was just how I remembered it, I was Anna's age, going here fifteen years ago. The woman led me into an office and then hurried out, mumbling something about fetching Anna from her class.


I'm not quite sure where Demi has gone. I took my eyes off her outside for one minute and she's now disappeared. By disappeared I mean her car is there but she isn't - I don't know what she's doing! I frowned in confusion just as the door to the classroom opened and Mrs. Appleby looked over at me, signalling me to leave. I got up, about to walk over when she shooed at me to go back and collect my stuff.

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