Chapter Nineteen

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I slung my backpack on and wandered into school, fleeing the school playground. 

"Hey, you really shouldn't run!"

I stopped in my tracks, uncertain if that was aimed at me.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you."

My eyes widened and I turned on the spot, eyeing up the girl who was shouting at me.


"Yeah, you. You really shouldn't run, people stick their feet out all the time. The domino effect happens a lot in the hallway."

"The domino effect?"

"If someone trips you up, you fall. When you fall, that trips someone else up. Then they fall and trip someone else up. Like if you line up dominos and knock one over, they all fall over."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

The girl, who I have never seen before in my year of being at this school, stepped forward with her hand out.

"My name is Meadow."


"I get that response a lot. What's yours?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat that appeared whenever I was nervous. Was she just playing with me?


I watched her face light up, still a little intimidated by the sudden flow of conversation.

"Like, Lovato? I have heard a lot about you during recess."

"All bad I bet."

"Don't listen to them, they're just jealous. How old are you?"

"I'm eleven."

"Me too! We're the same year."

I nodded my head slowly, still intimidated.

"See you around, Anna, I must go back to class now."

"Bye, Meadow!"

I smiled and then hurried into my classroom, coming face to face with a full class and an angry teacher.

"Anna, you're late."

"S-s-sorry, I was just-"

"No excuses. Sit down."

I pursed my lips together nervously and took a seat at the spot I've sat at all year. Front corner. 

"Right class!"

As soon as the teacher began the lesson, my own thoughts zoned me out completely. I think I may have found my first friend. I've had other people try and talk to me but they all knew who I was before they approached me. Most of them were a year older and constantly referred to Demi as Mitchie. No idea how they even know about that, isn't Camp Rock an old Disney movie now? I really like Meadow, she seems sweet. I think we could be friends.

I spent the rest of the schoolday fixated on Meadow. She probably forgot about me but her act of kindness - although it was only a small, quick conversation - made my day that whole much better. When the guys behind me in class were making comments and I would usually be upset, I was ignoring them like Meadow told me to.

The ringing of the bell to indicate that school was over brought me back to reality. I shoved my pencil case and notepad in my back and slung it on my back, hurrying out of school as quickly as possible. Just as I was rushing over to Demi's parked car, a hand pulled at my backpack. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the culprit.

"Oh, Meadow, I thought it was on- doesn't matter."

"Nope, just me! How was your day?"

She grinned cheesily at me.

"It was okay, how was yours?"

"It wasn't too great. Jayden and Kyle were picking on me again. Doesn't matter."

"It does matter."

"It doesn't, Anna. Anyway, is that your, uh... Oh my gosh!" 

Meadow pointed behind me, starstruck. I turned on my feet to look at Demi storming towards us. She had her lips pursed together and was waggling a finger at Meadow.

"Are you one of the bullies? Huh? Huh?!"

"Woah, Demi! No, no. No she isn't!"

My cheeks were bright red with embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Bullies? It's- it's okay. I'm Meadow, hi!"

Demi ignored her question, unsure on how, or if she should answer it. She cleared her throat, double-taking on Meadow's name.


Meadow diverted her gaze from Demi to me, laughing.

"See what I mean?!"

I chuckled and then Demi continued.

"Uh, I just came to make sure you were okay, Anna."

"I'm fine."

"Let's get going then."

Demi wandered back to her car and I waved at Meadow.

"See you tomorrow?"

She nodded her head and waved back.

"Bye, Anna! See you tomorrow!"

I squealed under my breath and skipped after Demi, a happier ending to my day at school.

Anna LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now