Chapter Twenty

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I thought the bullying at school was over and done with, but it isn't. They quietened down for a while when they were told off by the principal but it's back again. I guess I've learned to deal with it better because I have Meadow to help me now. Although she's not in my class, she waits outside the door for me at recess and lunch and Demi drops her home after school now. I have one friend at school but I prefer it like that, they're easier to keep track of.

"Anna, ignore them."

I snapped out of my daydream and looked at Meadow, who was leading me down the hall with her arm entwined with mine. I daydream a lot to escape the taunts that keep happening when I'm in the halls. 

"I'm trying to. I'm used to it now."

Meadow loosened her grip from my arm and smiled at me.

"It's hard, I know. You get used to it, but that doesn't make it okay. Have you told Demi yet?"

I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"I don't want her to know, she'll only worry. She thinks it's stopped now."

Meadow gnawed at her bottom lip and then took my arm and entwined it with hers again.

"They'll understand."

"No, they won't. I don't think so."

"They will, they have to. Anyway, I'll see you at the end of school, okay? Is Demi picking us up?"

I nodded my head and hugged Meadow.


She waved at me and I wandered back into my class, keeping my head down low to avoid eye contact with anyone and took my seat at the front, right in the corner as always.

The last few hours in school didn't pass by quick but I was out of class and waiting for Meadow a lot sooner than I estimated. I chewed on my bottom lip anxiously and hummed under my breath. This is my last week at school before the break and then I begin middle school, which sounds really cool. I'm in sixth grade right now but, for some weird reason, the middle school Demi has planned for me to go to starts at seventh grade and then you finish when you're 14 and go to high school. I hate school but I love change so I guess that's okay. 

"Anna, Anna! Snap out of it, let's go!" Meadow clicked her fingers repeatedly in front of my face.

I widened my eyes and grabbed Meadow's hand, both of us rushing out of the school.

"Hey, too fast! Slow down!" Meadow huffed and puffed, causing me to chuckle.

"Sorry, I can see Demi's car now. Let's go."

I freed her hand from mine and we both beelined for Demi's 4x4 sitting on the side of the road. I opened Meadow's door and shut it behind her after she got in. 

"Hi guys, how was school?" Demi peered in the rear view mirror at us both.

I looked at Meadow and nervously chewed on the inside of my cheek. Meadow held a finger up to me once Demi's gaze moved from us both and she began the car.

"It was good, thank you," Meadow spoke up, smiling at me.

I couldn't help but smile back, she was helping me out. 

"And you, Anna? How was it?"

I widened my eyes.

"It was good."

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