Chapter Eighteen

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It's been a whole year since my parents death. A long, long year. I've been seeing Nick for a few months now and I think we might make it official soon. I hope he asks me instead of me asking him, though. Anna's nearly 11, too. Things have been getting easier and I haven't spoken to Wilmer since he came round to collect the last of his things and went back home last month. Looks like my life is clearing up a bit and I have everything back on track. Hopefully.

"Are we going to go and see them today?" Anna's question interrupted my line of thought.

"Yeah, Anna, I've bought the flowers and I've had your poem laminated. That teddy bear you bought for them both, their wedding anniversary present, has been put in one of those uh,"

"Plastic boxes?"

"Yeah, those plastic boxes. Everything's ready."

Anna opened up her arms and got up off the sofa, walking towards me.

"Can I have a hug?"

I grinned and opened my arms, grabbing Anna and lifting her up for a hug.

"Of course you can!"

I pulled up outside of the cemetery and looked at Anna sitting in the passenger seat, Nick assuring me it was fine if we wanted to go alone. I wouldn't have minded a shoulder to cry on but I just think that'd have made the whole outing a little awkward. I leaned into the back of the car and took the flowers off the back seat.

"We'll split these in half and I'll put half in mom's vase and you put yours in dad's, that okay?"

"Uh-huh, Demi."

I handed Anna her half and got out of the car, walking alongside her to our parents' plot. Their grave is beautiful, it really is. With the help of our family, we managed to pay for a double plot for both of them and they have the most beautiful headstone. On one side, it clearly says LILIANA ROSALIE LOVATO and on the other side it says MICHAEL JOHN LOVATO.

Before mom died, I promised her that, as she wanted grandchildren so badly, I would name them after her. I have a little list at home to keep with me for when I start a family: Lily Anne, to honour my sister too, and Micah John. I guess I have high hopes but I know for sure mom would love it if one was called Lily, regardless of their gender!

I looked at Anna and helped her unwravel her flowers and place them in dad's vase, then unwravelled my own and placed them in mom's. We both took a step back and admired their grave, as well as remembering them. One year has flown by.

"I miss you," Anna knelt in front of their graves and stared at their names on the headstone.

I leaned over her and kissed her forehead.

"You're a brave girl, you know that?"

"You're brave too, Demi. We got through the hard part together, like you said we would."

I took a deep breath and helped Anna back onto her feet.

"I knew we would, baby. Mom and dad are so proud of us right now."

We stood staring at their grave for what seemed like forever, but in reality was around ten minutes.

"Baby, you want to go now? We can stay if you like but I-"

"It's okay, Demi, we can go now. They have their flowers and I think they're proud of us."

"Don't think that, know that. Of course they're proud of us, I'm proud of you."

Anna pulled a loose few strands of hair that were flailing in front of her face from the wind. She propped the teddy and poem on the grave and kept them down with a few pebbles. After arranging the pebbles, she held my hand. I couldn't help but smile at her holding my hand, that was a really sweet gesture.

"Thank you," I looked down on Anna, beaming.

"For what?"

"For holding my hand."

I led Anna back to the car and we drove off from the cemetery, both a little teary-eyed.

In no time I was pulling up in the driveway. I pulled down the sunshade and checked myself in the mirror that was stuck on the reverse of it. Okay, all is good. I don't look like I've just been to a cemetery and shed a few tears. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. 

I grinned at Nick who had already opened the front door to greet us both.

"Hey, how'd it go?"

I shrugged.

"It went how I expected it to. We've put our flowers on there and Anna put the teddy and poem on there. It looks real sweet and lovely."

Nick squeezed out a smile.

"That's great."

He moved from the doorway to allow us both in then shut the door behind Anna. I glanced at Anna, who was already beelining for the vacant sofa and TV remote.

"School tomorrow, yeah?"

She quickly nodded her head, a small nod in an attempt to go unnoticed. 

"Take that as a yes."

Nick came out of the kitchen with a mug in one hand and a tall glass in the other.

"Coffee for you!" He held out the mug to me.

"Aw, thanks!"

Nick kissed me on the cheek and then went over to Anna, putting the tall glass on the table beside the sofa.

"And a milkshake for you!"

Anna mumbled a response and Nick walked back over.

"So, what are we then, Demi?"

I pulled the coffee mug from my lips and tilted my head.

"What do you mean 'what are we'?"

"Like, are we together or what?"

"I, uh, I think so?"

"Wait, let me make this official."

Nick swiped the coffee mug from my hand and put it on the kitchen side. He took both of my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. I glanced over at Anna who was lost, once again, in the show on TV and then looked back at Nick.

He lowered his voice, just in case he was rejected, I suppose.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I tried to contain my laughter.

"This isn't third grade, Nick. But yes, I guess it's official now."

"I didn't offer you my animal crackers and take you for a date during recess."

My laughter escaped, causing Anna to snap out of her TV show and look at us both.

"Did I miss something?"

Me and Nick both shook our head and Anna shrugged, picking up her glass and submerging herself back in the show (and her top lip back all in the milkshake. Milk moustache, lovely).

"So, boyfriend, can you pass me my coffee back that you rudely snatched?" I mocked.

"Here you go, girlfriend, have your coffee." 

Nick grabbed my mug back off the side and handed it back.

"Thanks, Nicholas."

"You know where the use of our full names got us last time, Demetria."

I broadened my grin, knowing all too well.

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