Chapter Three

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The trip from our parents house to my own house seemed to drag. It was only a forty minute car journey but it seemed like forever. Anna stayed suspiciously quiet the whole way there, she only muttered a few words to me along the lines of, "are we there yet?" and a few little hums here and there when songs that she had heard of came on the radio. The quiet journey made my mind wonder.

Thankfully, after what seemed like forever, I pulled into my driveway and shot a glance at Anna, who had fallen asleep. Her head was tilted against the glass window and she looked peaceful. It made me feel worse. The fact that I was hiding such a horrible, life-breaking secret from her. But I knew it was for the best and she can find out once I've settled everything. 

I heaved a sigh. It was a sigh of relief mixed with a sigh of 'oh my God, what am I going to do now?' and I swivelled out of my seat and out of the car. I was trying my best to be quiet, I didn't want to wake her up and I think she deserves a good rest (or catch up on the sleep she missed last night, waiting for mom and dad to come home but accidentally falling asleep just past midnight) before I have to explain what the hell is going on. I managed to shuffle in all of the suitcases and then slowly lifted her sleeping body out of the car and laid her on the sofa.

I kind of want Anna to wake up so then I can focus on tending to her needs, whatever a 9-year-old wants, but then again, I don't want to have to deal with reality. I've gone from being a young, careless woman to one with a big responsibility... A child. I mean, I have the responsibility of being Wilmer's girlfriend (does being a girlfriend even have any responsibility?) but he's not in Texas right now so that's something I'll get back to when he comes to see me.

Fuck. I just realised. I haven't told Wilmer about anything and if I don't soon, he will find out from the news. That's something else I need to watch out for. I need to keep the news off so Anna doesn't see anything. Fuck times two. I still haven't planned the funeral or anything. I blinked back tears, the realisation hitting me again. I really can't do this. I took my phone out and stared at the screen.

Wilmer - 1 New Message

I choked back a little and squinted whilst opening the text. 

Baby, what's happening? You haven't spoken to me since last night. Sounds crazy, but it's not like you! Call me. W x

My heart sank a little. I have been trying to fool myself that this isn't happening. It must be all a bad dream. If I ring Wilmer and explain, it becomes real. I took a deep breath and tapped out a reply.

Can I speak to you later? I can't talk right now. D x

Whilst pressing send, my vision blurred. I didn't even realise I was crying. Whilst wiping my eyes, my phone beeped.

I'll have to get it out of you. See you soon. I love you. W x

I shut my phone off and looked at Anna sleeping on the sofa. By now, it was around 9:30am and it just came back to me that I've completely forgotten about my appearances and interview. I went to grab my phone to reply but stopped myself. That doesn't really matter right now, does it? If I explain another time, I'm sure they'll understand, won't they? I looked back at Anna who was shuffling around on the sofa. I think she's waking up.


I opened one eye and looked around the room, catching a glimpse of two eyes staring back at me. I grumbled.

"Demi, what time is it? I di-" she cut me off and I sat up on the sofa, a little dazed.

"It's still morning, around nine-thirty. Look, go upstairs. First bedroom on your left, you can stay in there. Take your suitcase and I'll bring my ones with your clothes in after you," she smiled at me.

It looked really forced but I know not to ask Demi a question. I grabbed my small, pink suitcase and led it up the stairs behind me. Once I hit the top stair, Demi called back at me.


"Anna!" I watched her turn and begin to walk back down the stairs. "No, stay there, baby. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I really do, okay? You understand?"

She grinned at me, a little dazed still. She did just wake up, afterall. "Yes, I love you too!"

I blinked back tears whilst she blew me a kiss with her spare hand and then wandered off, following my instructions.

I think it's hitting me now, you know? It seems more real. I don't know how on earth I am taking this so well. I didn't ever think my little sister would become my rock, we barely shared glances once I left rehab. I used to take her places; to the park, movies, the mall. Then I started focusing on going to the gym, keeping clean and focusing solely on myself that I just drifted from Anna. I'm surprised she didn't forget about me, she was so young when I went to 'the place where people get happier'. 

I clicked out of my own thoughts and picked up the handles of two suitcases, going to Anna's new bedroom. She was already sorting out her clothes, putting them all onto the bottom shelves of the wardrobe because she couldn't reach the other, higher two. I stepped through the doorframe and laughed, accidentally startling her. "Sorry," I pursed my lips together to refrain from laughing and put some of her clothes on the empty shelves that she couldn't reach.

"I'll leave you to it, you're a big girl, right? Call me if you need help," she nodded at me and with that, I left her to it.

I went back to my phone in the kitchen and checked my latest messages. None. Hmm, weird. I'm surprised Wilmer isn't concerned, or maybe he is but just isn't showing it. I shouldn't even think he wouldn't be concerned as he has as much clue as Anna.

I have asked the emergency services to take their bodies to the mortuary and keep it on the down low. They're pretty used to it, accidents (was it enough an accident though?) happen all the time and with it happening on a busy street, they had no choice but to discreetly take the bodies away. Urgh, bodies. I hate that word. If you use it without describing your own body, people just assume - or know - that it means death.

Anna wandered back down the stairs and came to see me in the kitchen.

"Hey, you! Do you want to settle down and watch movies? I don't feel like going anywhere and I have popcorn."

Anna just smiled, staying quiet.

"What's up, are you okay?" She nodded. Still silent. I didn't bother to ask her again so I just grabbed the bags of popcorn and led her to the sofas.

"Pick your own movie, baby."

And with that, we watched the day away. Anna picked Disney film after Disney film (we managed to fit in all of my films) and managed to have both meals, lunch and dinner, sat in front of Princess Protection Program and Frozen until the clock finely struck 10pm.

"You should go to bed, Anna. I'll explain more tomorrow," she just looked at me, half asleep.

I forced a smile and she smiled back, slipping out beneath the warmth of the blanket and slowly wondering upstairs.

I wish I never told her I'd explain it tomorrow. Now I have no choice.

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