Chapter Eleven

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It's almost 6am and I've been awake for half an hour now, I'm so excited! It's my 10th birthday today and I just can't wait to open my presents. I threw my blanket off myself and sat up in bed, finding it just too hard to sit around until 7am when Demi told me to wake her.

I remember her clearly telling me: "Anna, I swear to God if you wake me up before birds start singing I will go mental!"

I laughed, recalling Demi's exact words over in my head.

But, I'm just too impatient to wait around another hour to open my presents. Surely, if I wake them up now, they won't mind, will they? I mentally worked out how I would apologise for waking up an hour early and I came to the conclusion that I have no excuse but Demi will forgive me anyway.

I hummed to myself whilst wandering down the hallway, beelining towards what is now Demi and Wilmer's bedroom. The door was ajar, so I just hoped that one of them were awake so I didn't have two grumpy people to face.

I stuck my head around their bedroom door as to make as little noise as possible, glancing around the wardrobe that blocked the view to the bedroom upon entrance. Because I rubbed my eyes before glancing, my vision was blurred. I could just work out two figures in the bed before my vision cleared. As I went to speak, Wilmer's groaning around in the bed haulted me.

I stood still, trying my best not to wake them although, inside, I was eagerly awaiting the flickering of their eyelids to suggest they were awake. I tiptoed further into the room and watched Wilmer slide his hand from underneath the duvet and wrap it around Demi. Demi turned around, from here I guessed she was awaking, and wrapped an arm across Wilmer's side. My eyes widened as I stood and witnessed their early morning cootie-sharing session.


I shaked my body to rid the duvet off my top half and ran my hands through Wilmer's hair, which, may I say, was a pretty good aim as both my eyes were shut. I sat up in bed and yawned, stretching my arms whilst opening my eyes. Fuck. My cheeks flushed crimson when I locked eyes on Anna, standing at the bottom of my bed in shock. I rapidly blinked and Anna just giggled.

"Hey there, birthday girl!"

"Uh... Hi, Dems," I could see Anna's face scrunch up as to try and stop the giggling.

I looked back at Wilmer who had now risen to sit beside me in bed, his tanned skin being a saviour in this case and hiding any blushing that would otherwise be apparent on his cheeks.

Wilmer entwined his hand with mine and cleared his throat: "So, birthday girl! You wanna go and open your presents, huh? I'll race you to the living room," Wilmer released his grip on my hand and chased after Anna, who was squealing.

I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and got out of bed, wrapping a dressing gown around my body and slowly walking downstairs. As I hit the bottom step, I could see Anna perched on the sofa with numerous wrapped presents surrounding her. I couldn't help but smile, I know mom and dad will be looking down on their brave little girl (as well as me) and be proud of how far she, and I, have gotten in our healing process. Anna caught me smiling from the bottom step and waved me towards the pair, Wilmer sat on the armchair beside Anna, helping drown her in presents.

I sat next to Anna and grinned: "how sweet of you to wait for me to come downstairs!"

Anna laughed, picking up one present and wasting no time to rip it open. I put a hand out to stop her, taking the tag off the wrapping paper and waving it in front of her face.

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