Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The blacked out car pulled up in Nick's driveway and butterflies suddenly appeared in my stomach. Everything is all too real now, I'm so scared. The old house is on the market and everything is in Nick's new house; all we need to do now is decorate my new bedroom!

"Demi, this is scary."

"Yeah. Daunting, isn't it? I'm nervous too. But, come on. Better to get this over and done with."

Demi placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and got out of the car.


I shut the car door and wandered up to the house. Before I could knock, Nick opened the door and his eyes lit up. He looked so happy to see me; to see us. He also looks like he hasn't slept a wink, but I hadn't either.

"Welcome home, baby," Nick pulled me into a hug and his eyes diverted off me.

I released the embrace and smiled at Anna who was hovering beside us.

"And welcome home to you too, Anna." Nick smiled. "Come on in."

I took Anna's hand and walked into Nick's home. Although the same place we vacationed in not that long ago, it felt different. I could smell bread cooking away in one of the ovens in his kitchen and there were pictures dotted all over the place.

Pictures from our holiday here.

"Oh, Nick, these are beautiful pictures," I smiled at Nick, adoring over the numerous photoframes.

"I wanted to make you both feel at home. Bread's cooking too."

"I can smell it!" Anna laughed.

"Smells good, huh? Everything is unpacked but I don't know where you," Nick looked at Anna, "want your stuff to go so I've not placed it anywhere. We'll decorate your room tomorrow."

"Thank you, Nick." 

Anna looked genuinely happy and it made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Demi, I'm going to go sort my stuff out."

I nodded at Anna and she rushed off up the stairs and into her own room.

"Home sweet home, my baby."

Nick looked at me and placed both hands around my waist.

"This is so exciting."

Nick nodded in agreement with me and kissed me on the lips. Yet again, I felt electric. He literally makes my body electric (cue Lana Del Rey association here) and it's something I crave to feel every single day.

"We'll just settle in today, it's kinda getting late now. Tomorrow we can go and grab bedroom supplies for Anna - and for you, if you like - such as paints and wallpaper. There's an arcade near here that Anna will love, too."

"Sounds great, Nick. I'm looking forward to it, this is one big adventure."

"It is. The best thing? It won't end like the vacation did. You can stay here forever."

I beamed. He's one with words.

"I can't wait for everything to be sorted."

"Me neither."

I kissed Nick on the lips once more as Anna came down the stairs.

"Get a room!"

I gawped at Anna but couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"We do have one, it's close to your room."

The look on her face was priceless. She looked absolutely horrified and Nick was cracking up.


"What? I'm joking.."

"You're gross! I'm just- I'm just- gross!"

I cackled and Anna hurried back up the stairs. She looked so horrified.

"Oh, Demi, that poor girl."

"Hahaha! Bless her."

"You've horrified her."

"She's an innocent cherub."

"Not anymore."

I laughed once more. Proper, hearty laughter.

"Calm down, Demi! You'll start wetting yourself. Let's go and sort our bedroom out."

Nick took my hand and led me up the stairs. I calmed down a bit and Anna slammed the bedroom door once she heard us hit the top step.

"Anna, we're just going to unpack!"

"I don't believe you, Demi!"

I laughed and closed the bedroom door behind me and Nick.



First off, can I thank you all for 2k reads! I'm so amazed, I never thought I'd get any, let alone 2k. So thank you. Personal stuff (alongside college) has popped up and I have personal issues to resolve before I focus back on writing as a whole. Just saying, in case anyone is wondering as to why I've suddenly poofed.

If you missed my last update, please check out (or just go onto my profile and click 'Respite') my new fanfic. It's obviously a Demi fanfic and I am putting a ridiculous amount of effort into it so I would love some feedback. Thanks.

PS. I'm sorry this is really short (it's literally like 650 words) but I really wanted to update regardless of my problems and this is all I can muster up right now! 

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