Chapter Four

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The alarm clock woke me up, again. Every morning, Dem Dem's alarm clock wakes me up. I squinted and then forced one eye open, almost blinded by the light coming through the pink curtains. I heaved a sigh and then opened both eyes, realising where I was. 'When am I going home?' I kept thinking over and over, I think it's a school day today as well.

Surely I should be at school right now? Brittany and James will be wondering where I am, I said we would all colour in today at recess. I sat up in my bed as the bedroom door slowly opened.


I lingered in the doorway of Anna's new room, wondering if she was awake. As I stepped forward, I heard a mumble. Sounds like she's awake to me.

"Are you okay, Anna? It's 9am, I've called in your school and as it's Friday, you don't need to worry about anything," she just nodded her head.

She hasn't been the same since yesterday. I don't blame her though.

"Ye-uh, I'm fine," I nodded to her reply and with that, slowly walked back out of her room.

I should really check the tabloids and media websites to make sure nothing has hit the air yet. The air? Does that make sense? Whatever.

I picked up my phone, quickly checking for any messages and then typed in something that seemed so weird to me on the browser.

Demi Lovato's parents dead.

I eagerly scoured the latest news articles and came across none that leaked about their deaths. I'm confused. I've found one fake article that was made eight months ago, way before the incident, but none with any information about yesterday. Does that mean nobody saw it? Now there is no media, although I'm glad, it seems less real to me. Like any minute now the phone will ring and my mu--


What the fuck? I picked up the phone, without looking at the caller ID, and anticipated any sound from the other end. Chewing on my lip, someone spoke.

"Demi? Demi? Are you there? Hello?" I was somewhat sad but happy about who had phoned me. Although I desperately wanted it to be mom or dad, I kind of new it wasn't. "Yes, Wilmer, I'm here."

"Baby, I just landed in Texas. You're at yours, right? I'm on my way," and without even allowing me to answer his question, the line went dead. Damn, he's in a hurry.

I put my phone back on the kitchen side just as I could hear Anna coming down the stairs. I'm going to tell her today, you know, about our parents. I'm going to wait for Wilmer to arrive and then I'm going to sit her down and explain. She deserves to know, doesn't she? Even if this could break her, which I'm begging it doesn't, she needs to know.

You'd think I'd be more hysterical than I am now, wouldn't you? Sobbing silently in the corner and just freaking out. Maybe it'll creep up on me on my darkest days and destroy me, but for now, it's surreal. It was early yesterday morning, after all.

I smiled at Anna. "What do you want for breakfast, babe? I have Lucky Charms and pancakes and w--"

She cut me off. "Just waffles, please."

I licked my teeth and then forced a smile. When I smiled, I could feel the bags under my eyes crinkle up slightly. You see, I haven't slept since the phone call. I ought to sleep but as soon as I close my eyes, I see my parents and that kills me.

I took two ready made waffles out of their pack and pushed them in the toaster.

"Anna, are toasted waffles okay?"

Well they have to be anyway, but I could hear her mumble a 'yes' all the way from the sofa.

"Child, if you're watching anything that isn't the ID channel I'll eat your waffles," I jokingly grunted.

The line-up of programmes for today on the ID channel looked amazing and I can't miss out. I need them to take my mind off it, although I know this sounds silly as the ID channel focuses around it, but for me, the ID channel takes me away from any pain. In rehab, it was the ID channel that took my mind off the demons inside me and allowed me to be in my 'happy place'.

"Don't be silly, Dem, I have the ID channel on!" That's my girl.

Just as I handed Anna her two toasted waffles, the doorbell rang. Anna went to get up but I put my hand out and she sat back down again.

"Don't worry baby, it's just Wilmer." She forced a smile, but her eyes showed disappointment.

It was clear she expected someone else. I read her like a book. "Sorry, baby." I leaned down and pecked her on the cheek and then went to answer the door. I was somewhat happy to see Wilmer but I couldn't feel much, most of it was just numb. I remember the numbness (is that a word?) all too well. 

I opened the front door and was greeted by Wilmer holding a bouquet of flowers and with a fat grin on his face. I couldn't help but smile. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips and I wrapped my arms around him, trying my best to not attack the flowers with my flailing limbs.

"I missed you, baby," he said.

"I missed you too. Are these for me?!" I grinned and then looked at the flowers.

He held them out to me and I took them. For a total of 30 seconds, I felt well and truly happy. But my happiness soon became cloudy and I remembered what happened. I heaved a sigh but followed Wilmer into the house anyway, fabricating a smile not only for Wilmer, but for Anna too.

"They're sooo preeettty," Anna yelled at me, crossing her eyes and pulling faces.

I couldn't help but laugh, she still looks cute even though her eyes are pointed in two different directions.

"They are, aren't they?" Wilmer said, smiling at me.

I put the flowers in a vase of water and then the sliver of happiness that remained; left. I was back to feeling numb. Yes, I was relieved because Wilmer turned up and now I don't have to tell her myself, but I still felt numb. I mean, I haven't even told Wilmer yet so I don't want to get ahead of myself.

"Anna, do you mind if I just talk to Wilmer for a second?" I took Wilmer's hand and led him across the living room, in the direction of the downstairs guest bdroom.

"I don't mind!" Anna lifted her head back to watch me lead Wilmer and grinned.

"What are you grinning at?" I laughed at her but didn't wait for a response, pulling Wilmer into the guest bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

"Wilmer," I held both of his hands and tried to refrain from crying, the whole thing becoming much more real.

"Demi? Demi, baby? What's wrong?" He let go of one of my hands to wipe a stray tear that managed to fall down my cheek, despite my efforts to keep them back.

"I have something to tell you." Wilmer held both of my hands once again and looked straight into my eyes.

He coughed to his side, away from me, before speaking. "Baby, you can tell me anything." I nodded my head, agreeing. He's right, I can tell him anything. This is slightly different though, don't get me wrong.

"It's about my mom and dad. They're dead."

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