Chapter Sixteen

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I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and rubbed the dark bags under my eyes. It's been a month since I last spoke to Wilmer and I'm missing him a lot. I mean, I think I'm missing him. I'm either missing him or the company. I tossed my phone around in my hand and looked away from my reflection, diverting my eyes onto the bright screen of my phone.

I've been texting Nick a lot recently and he's been hinting to come and see me, although he spent the night a while ago - nothing happened then. I don't mind but I don't know how Anna will take it, she doesn't know that Nick spent the night. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and left the bathroom, coming face-to-face with Anna.

"Hi, baby girl, what's up?" I looked down at her and ruffled her hair.

"I'm not a baby, Demi. Can I stay at Maddie's tonight?" She grinned at me.

Maddie is our cousin, she's a few years older than Anna but they get along like a house on fire.

"Of course you can, sweet. Are they picking you up?"

She nodded her head and pointed to the weekend-sized bag sitting at the front door.

"I'm all ready, they'll be here at eleven."

I blinked rapidly at the clock, fatigue blurring my vision.

"So, in ten minutes? Okay, baby girl, you have fun!"

Anna hung around the front door until the bell went. I laughed, watching her jump up and down on the spot for a few moments before opening the door.

"Hey, Maddie! Let's go!"

Anna rushed outside, bag in hand, and Maddie waved at me.

"Hi, Demi. Bye, Demi," I smirked, shutting the door behind the duo and fishing my phone out of my pocket.

U wanna come round? I could do w/ cheering up X

I hit send and then stared into space, contemplating if I should have sent that. Am I making a mistake? Will this just be a rebound or should I make something of it? Does Wilmer want me back? Do I even want Wilmer back? My thoughts were racing until my phone beeped, bringing me back down to earth.

Thought u would never ask. On way X

I smiled at my phone and then tossed it on the sofa. Maybe I was making the right decision. I want Wilmer back but I don't think he does. Does he? Does he really want me back? He can have anyone now, someone who won't argue with him, surely he won't want me now, will he? I clicked my tongue against my teeth and flicked the TV onto the ID channel, trying to distract myself from my own thoughts. Distracting myself from my mind and my emotions sent me to rehab last time, but this time I need to. They're too much. I was so lost in the show on TV that I missed Nick's knocking. I snapped out of my daze and got up off the sofa.

I swung the door open and grinned at Nick, wasting no time in hugging him.

"We haven't chilled for a while. Properly. Just chilling and stuff, have we?" I mumbled into Nick's ear whilst embracing him.

He pulled away and shook his head.

"We haven't. So, can I come in?"

I laughed and moved out of the doorway to allow him in.

"Anna's staying with Maddie tonight, thought she deserved a slumber party."

"She deserves the world, that girl, Demi," I smiled at Nick's words and nodded my head in agreement.

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