Chapter 9

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Hello everyone!!!!!! Thank you so much for 1.8k!!!!! I seriously can't believe it! I made the edit up there of Fitz!!! I just read Skyward by Brandon Sanderson!!!!! It was amazing!!!! I love all of Brandon Sanderson's books so much!!! I highly recommend you read Skyward! And also the Stormlight Archive because they are extremely well-written books! That are over 1000 pages long with intricate plots! They are definitely works of art! Here is Chapter 9! 

Chapter 9

Sophie's dreams were filled with alicorns and pretty boys. Lots of food and ripplefluffs. Mallowmelt. Anything delicious that she wanted to eat. She slept peacefully and calmly. Her dreams were magnificent. No more nightmares for her. Sophie sighed as she fell deeper into sleep. But Sophie's hopes of a perfect sleep were dashed... as she heard a blaring noise and buzzing coming from her Imparter. She fumbled to grab it and held it up in front of her face, squinting at it. Keefe had texted.

Keefe: Sophie... Sophie... let down your hair!

Sophie was puzzled. She didn't want to be doing this right now. Sophie wanted to sleep. She sighed and typed a message back.

Sophie: Huh

She patiently waited for Keefe to respond, and he did almost instantaneously.

Keefe: Let down your hair

Sophie groaned. She didn't even have long enough hair. What was Keefe thinking? Sophie sighed as she typed another response to him.

Sophie: I don't have long enough hair. And aren't you in bed at your house?

Keefe: Nope

Sophie gasped. Where was Keefe then? Plus, why was he bothering her this late? She really just wanted to go back to sleep. She typed a message asking where he was quickly and set her Imparter down.

Sophie: Well then... where are you?

Keefe: Your window

Sophie shrieked. What was Keefe Sencen doing at her window at this time of night and waking her up from her peaceful sleep? She had a right to know. Her emotions bubbled as she typed a message back to Keefe and sent it.


Keefe: Sorry Soph... can you let me in?

Sophie scowled. How dare he interrupt her sleep!! That was not nice!!! And then to say he was sorry! No, absolutely not!

Sophie: Absolutely not

Keefe: Why not??

Sophie groaned. Keefe knew why. He shouldn't be asking her this.

Sophie: What would Grady say?

Keefe: Idk

Probably something like WHAT IS THAT BOY DOING IN YOUR ROOM!!?!?

Sophie nodded. Correcto! Maybe he still had some common sense left in him. She sent her message to him and waited for a response.

Sophie: Yes exactly that

Keefe: We'll sneak out then. Please?

Sophie gasped. Nope. He definitely did not have any common sense left. Was he crazy??! She got out of bed and gave a little scream. What was going on?

Sophie: No. First of all... why are you even here?

Keefe: Tam dared me

Sophie frowned. What exactly had Tam dared him to do? She paced around her room trying to figure out any possible dares that Tam had told Keefe to do. Waking her up? Pranking her? Putting a note on her window? Scaring her? Sophie shook her head. This was ridiculous. She was going to have to ask him. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

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