Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back Home

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Word count: 1270
Trigger warning: Mention of beatings, anxiety, mention of bullying

Tweek's POV
Another week, another five attempt beatings, my only relief for this week is that starting today, we're on a two-week break. Of course, Annie hasn't left me alone after the first beating. Luckily for Jack, these pitiful attempt beatings make me realize how thankful I am that he was such a dick.

Though the year of torture pushing me to self-harm was horrendous, it led me to punch Jack before we moved away, which shined a light on my unknown strength.

Without him, I would've been molested, beaten, and Craig could even be dead. Okay, admittedly, that last one was a bit of a stretch, but I still saved us from his drunken father's wrath. Although, my speed played most of the part in running to the hospital, so I truly have two options now. Fight or Flight?

Most of the time the solution is flight, but with the increasing size in the guys sent to chase after me, it is almost absurd to believe they wouldn't try to catch me before I ran off to Craig, Clyde, Kevin, Jimmy, and Token.

Thus, the amount of times fighting has come in handy, multiplied. However, as it is in prison, you fight to be the top dog, so no one challenges you, but someone else, much like you, will always compete for the spot of top dog as well, leaving you in a never-ending cycle of fighting.

Unless, of course, that someone else decides to befriend you, and suddenly, much like prison, my group of friends became the group of top dogs.

Craig, Kevin, and Token specialize in protection, intelligence, and care. Overall, the hottest guys in our group and the strongest looking, leading more fighters to stray away from them. Clyde shows impressive skill in dodging, attentiveness, and strength, a distinct product of his infatuation with sports. While I find myself with the same traits, in addition to speed, by the recollection of my past. Jimmy, of course, keeps sanity within the group and somehow ties the entire group together with a reinforced but delicate bow.

Homophobia, as expected by the now very large outted LGBTQ+ Population, is barely tolerated in this town, the title falling only to the rednecks that live in the slums, Cartman, and a drunken Mr.Tucker. This is the main reason Craig, Clyde, Kevin,  and I are so open about our relationships and sexuality. Not that anyone believes Cartman's homophobic facade for a second, we all know he's secretly jealous of Stan.

"Hey, Tweek?" Craig started, laying back in his bed, "How did you get so strong?"

I nearly snorted at his inquiry. Who would've thought someone would be asking me about my strength? "I don't know, one day I just sort of discovered it, I guess. I used to play a lot of volleyball, maybe that's it."

"Okay, so... how did you discover it?"

I sighed at the question. I had been waiting to answer an inquiry similar to it ever since Clyde had caught a glimpse of my scars.

In that moment, I found myself staring at the ground, panic filling me slowly. Chills went down my spine when Craig put his hand on my shoulder, an instant alleviator to my anxiety.

"His name is Jack," I began, looking back up at him. Taking a deep breath, I continued, "Jack Tucker."


"He was my best friend for 10 years," I sighed, "and then, in the summer of ninth grade, I came out to him, and he beat the shit out of me for the entire extra year and a half that I stayed in that city. On the day I moved away, he beat me one last time, and then, before I got inside the U-Haul, I punched his nose so hard he fell onto the sidewalk. I guess that's how I found out."

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