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Cleo Bryce-Hutson led quite a simple life.

She worked at the pub her parents owned in London with her brother Sankar and her sister Charlie, and had worked there since she was 18. She'd tried to work elsewhere but nothing was as comfortable or gave her as much satisfaction as working in the pub gave her. More recently, Cleo had began performing a small set in the pub, covering songs for the punters every Friday and Saturday night. She didn't expect fame to come right at her, she just wanted to sing. Little did she know, this Friday night would change her life forever.

"I mean, I know he's a guy and guys are stupid, but he's a whole new level of stupid." Kathrine told her friends as she sat in the back of Sankar's white beetle car.

Kathrine and Cleo met in school and had been attached at the hip ever since. How did they meet you ask? Well, they were paired for a drama project and the rest, as you say, was history. They stayed together through Secondary and even went to college together. Kathrine was the sister from another mister.

"Oi! I'm a guy and I don't think I'm stupid." Sankar argued in the drivers seat.

"That makes one of you, San."

Sankar frowned at Kathrine through the rear-view mirror, earning a proud smile from Kathrine.

Cleo was tuned out the conversation as she looked out her window from the passenger seat, watching the streets of London go by. She occasionally glanced at her phone, waiting for the inevitable call from a guy who always called. He was bound to call her at some point, he had done so everyday since the break-up. This day wasn't any different.

"Back to what really matters. Archer's always been a bit of a dumbo with women. And if you think his abs help him, they do but he ruins it with his jokes that fall flat in seconds."

"Why can't I like a guy like Kevin? He was nice enough."

"Yeah but Kevin was only interested in one thing, remember?" Cleo finally tuned into the conversation, looking at her friend over her shoulder. Kathrine huffed and sat back in her seat, absolutely remembering what drove Kevin to be with her.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me."

"You brought him up." Sankar argued as he stopped at a red light.

As suspected, Cleo's phone began to ring in her lap, making her look down at the caller ID.


Accept ✅  Deny

She sighed, seeing it was him, yet again. She let it ring out for a couple of seconds, ending the call before it even started. She threw her phone in her bag near her feet so she didn't have to bother if he called back.

"That was him, wasn't it?" Sankar asked.

"Yeah." Cleo ran her hands through her hair, not wanting to continue this conversation about the guy who just called her.

"You know you can block his number right?" Sankar reminded his sister.

"I know, I probably should." Cleo said sadly, realising what she had to do. There was still a part of her that wanted to keep his number, in case she ever needed him for something. But she didn't need him, she didn't need him at all. He broke her heart, he ruined their relationship, Cleo did nothing wrong.

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now