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A.N. END OF FILMING MEANS Jocle fluff can go full steam ahead. You're getting a little bit of angst though before that. It's gotta be done.


The next day, Cleo woke up deflated as she had woken up to an empty other side of the bed. She sighed in defeat and ran her hand over where Joe would have been the night before, trying to remember what it was like waking up next to him. She missed the way he looked when he was asleep, how warm he made her feel on a morning and how he looked at her with love and admiration all morning. She missed him and his company a hell of a lot, and it'd only been less than 24 hours since she last saw him. So this is what real love feels like? She thought, smiling into her pillow when it came to her. She was feeling true and deep love for him, and it excited her so much her body did a slight jiggle a she laid in bed. Man was she glad she took the leap and kissed him on that Live Aid day.

To keep her mind occupied and to make the days go quicker, she decided to take as many work hours as she could handle, even taking some off of her siblings in exchange for shift covering whenever she needed it. Much to the surprise of her parents. She had never worked this hard in her time at the pub so how come she was doing it now? The siblings however, especially San, didn't mind one bit.

She worked her shifts at the pub and spent the couple days she had off finishing Undrafted and catching up on The Pacific. Watching Joe's works only made her miss him more though, as well as making her fall even deeper in love with him because of just how talented of an actor he actually was. The Pacific showed off just what Joe is capable of as an actor, and Undrafted showed what he was like as a writer and director. She was taken aback by how versatile he was/is. When she searched and found out he didn't win awards for The Pacific, she may have shown her phone the middle finger as she thought otherwise. Even next to Rami, Joe stood out to her. And not just cause he was her boyfriend. He was, and probably still is, an amazingly talented actor. Bohemian Rhapsody couldn't come fast enough. 

"You alright, love?" Jack came up to her and asked whilst she replaced a beer barrel behind the bar. It wasn't a packed day, so Cleo found every little thing that could be done and did it.

"Yep." She answered, making sure the pipe from the barrel was attached to the beer pump.

"You sure? You seen to be rushed off your feet even though there's not many people in."

"Just wanna get the little things done, that's all." Jack nodded at her answer, secretly knowing the reason why she was being this way.

"You miss him don't you?" He asked, leaning foreword on the bar. He could read his daughter from a mile off. Cleo sighed and took her attention off the barrel and to her father.

"It's only been a week, dad."

"So? I miss your mum when she goes out for a night with her girl friends. She's only gone for a few hours but I still miss her. God, I remember when your mum and I started dating, I would come up with any excuse just to see her cause one day without her was one day too many. I think I even skipped work a couple of times. Thank god my boss wasn't a hard hat otherwise I would have been fired within the first month." Jack reminisced, a smile coming on his face as he relived the good old days before they decided to have kids. "If you miss him this much then he must be special, huh?" he nudged his daughter, making her smile lightly.

"He is, yeah."

"Glad to hear he's making you feel that way. Fun fact that I remembered yesterday; you actually had a crush on little Tim Murphy when you were 10." Jack informed, making Cleo smile with surprise.

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now