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A.N. Dat little smile though^^ I still can't believe the same guy who played Deaky in Bo Rap is this little guy. Cutie af.


When Joe let Cleo into his trailer, he worried about having to talk to her in order to fill the time between now and when Lucy came back. He ran through topics in his head that he could ask her about, not wanting this opportunity to get to know her to pass him by. On one hand he wanted Lucy to arrive soon so he could avoid making a fool out of himself, but on the other he wanted Lucy to take all day and night.

"Ooo that's better." Cleo welcomed the warmth of Joe's trailer like a hug and shrugged off Joe's jacket that he'd given her seconds earlier. "Um, where should I?" Cleo asked, holding Joe's jacket in her hand as she looked around for a place to put it.

"Oh, I've got it." Joe took the jacket from the girl and hung it on a coat hanger near the door. When he took the jacket, he swore he touched her hand ever so slightly. Her touch sent sparks up and down his body. Cleo didn't seem to notice any touch as she moved on to put her hair up in a messy bun with a hair band she had round her wrist.

With her hair now up, Joe could see the bits of her face her hair was hiding, including the little mole she had on the left side of her jaw near her ear. He looked over her ears and instantly thought they were cute, also noticing how they were pieced and had little moon studs in them. He thought to himself that he really needed to get a grip if he was thinking her ears were cute.

"Would you like something to drink?" Joe asked Cleo.

"Um, just some water would be nice. Thanks" Cleo smiled at Joe, sending even more sparks around his body. He motioned for Cleo to take a seat at the table on the other side of the trailer, making Cleo smile at him as she sat. She found herself checking her hair bun in a mirror on the wall across from her.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you been performing at the pub for?" Joe asked, getting a glass from a cupboard above him and filling it with water from the tap.

"A few years. My dad came up with the idea after he heard me singing in the shower and around the house. I didn't think I was that good but people kept coming in just to watch me sing. Made me realise I might actually be okay." Cleo explained as Joe placed the glass of water in front of her before taking a seat across from her.

"Okay? Cleo, you're more than okay." Joe's compliment made Cleo blush, prompting  her to hide her smile with the glass she was drinking from. "The guys and especially Lucy agree you're one of a kind. I've never heard anything like you before and I'm really glad Brian saw it too."

The way Joe smiled at Cleo made her insides go to mush. The way his hands clasped together on the table allowing her to see the veins in his arms, sent thoughts swirling through her mind. Thoughts that were pretty weird to say out loud.

"Thanks. Honestly, when Brian arrived at the pub I thought I was dreaming or something. And then he offered me this opportunity and I just couldn't say no. I've waited so long for something to come along and now it's here, I'm kinda worried I'm not gunna do a good job or do the song justice."

"Are you kidding? Brian wouldn't have offered if he didn't think you were good enough. You'll be amazing, I just know it. Can you make sure to send me the song first and no one else? I wanna be the first person, other than you and your family to hear it. And for the love of god, don't send it to Ben before me." Joe complained jokingly, making Cleo laugh. He loved that laugh so much he never wanted it to stop. He wanted to keep hearing it over and over again. "I'm serious. You send it to him first, I'll write a very serious and very mean review about it."

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now