chapter 8 - one week later

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Olivia haven´t been at work for a week because she couldn´t stand seeing Elliot. how is she gonna work with him now. she hated him . how could he do this to her, to their baby. she placed her hands on her belly, a tear came from her eye when she though about what he said to her.  she always wanted a baby but not like this, not raiseing it by herself. 

 the phone rang, she looked at the caller - ID, it was Cragen so she answered " Benson" " Liv it´s Cragen...if it´s not to much to asked can you come down to the precinct ,we need you"  she didn´t wanne see or talk to Elliot but she couldn´t say no to her capten "  i´ll be right there cap" she hung up the phone and went into the bedroom and got dressed. then she grabbed her gun ,badge and keys.

45 minutes later

 she is in the precinct sitting behind her desk , Cragen gave her work to do.Elliot watched her but didn´t say anything. she tired to work on the case but she couldn´t take the mood between them, it wasn´t the same anymore and it will never be. she realized that working with him is to hard for her , she  stood up and walked into Cragens office  and closed the door  behind her, he looked up from his desk " Olivia, what´s up ?" she looked him in the eyes " i want a new partner"  " why ?" " i can´t work with Elliot " " you have been partners for 12 years why now?" " i just can´t " she breath out looking down " what ever it is  you guys are fighting about  you need to work it out. " " cap you don´t understand" " then make me understand Liv" she started walking back and forth and telling him the whole story with her and Elliot. " okej let me see if i got this right, you and Elliot had a drunk night you had a secret relationship , you are pregnent and he doesn´t want anything to do with the baby. " " yeah " " what you need to do is talk to him " " that´s not gonna help trust me " " so you are just gonna hide from him ,  that´s your answer" she didn´t say anything. "Liv you want me to talk to him?" " no......thanks please let me just transfer to another unit" he took a deep breath and looked at her

" are you sure that that´s what you want ?" " yes" " " okej.....i´ll see what i can do "  " thank you " she stepped out of his office and walked back to her desk grabbing her coat and started walking towards the elevator when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. she stoped but  didn´t turn around , she pushed the hand away and started walking again...... she never want to see him again...... 

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