Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, Lisa had been eyeing the handsome man before her, appreciating his visibly well-defined muscles and strong build. "So," she started as she slowly sauntered forward, her gaze locked on her target. "What's a strapping man such as yourself up to in this sort of setting?"

Jungkook looked at the woman skeptically. "That's confidential."

Lisa pouted playfully. She neared his proximity step by step, but he never let his guard down. Her eyes travelled down to see his hand, ready to unsheathe his sword at any moment, before raising to meet his stare again. "Settle down there, handsome, I don't bite."

Jungkook took a step back. "Shouldn't you be on your way, miss? Your grandmother will be waiting." He glanced at the basket the woman hung from her arm. It looked rather light. "What was it you were bringing to her, again?"

Lisa pretended to ignore his straying eyes and feigned ignorance to the suspicion laced through his tone. "I'm in no particular rush, I left rather early compared to when she usually expects me, you see." Lisa stepped closer yet again until the two were less than a foot apart. She tilted her chin up to examine the man up close as he took a cautious gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing. He let out a shuddering breath as she ran a finger up his neck and along his jawline. "You truly are striking." She murmured.

What a shame, she thought.

Almost unperceivably, Lisa's hand had lowered and slipped into her basket, her fingers curling around the hilt of her blade. As soon as she had spoken those final words, she thrust her hand up and sliced the dagger downwards.

Jungkook, however, was not diverted by the woman's antics. While the woman had believed she had successfully distracted him from her movements, he was fully aware. Before her blade could deliver the intended blow, Jungkook's hand caught her wrist in mid-air. He raised an eyebrow as the woman glanced at her restricted limb in surprise.

"I don't take lightly to individuals wasting my time. So tell me, who are you and what is it you wished to accomplish?" Jungkook's voice was hard, assertive, and warranted no argument.

Lisa attempted to free her hand but the man had an iron grip. He squeezed her wrist tightly, and in result Lisa's weapon was dropped to the ground.

"That's none of your business." Lisa answered coldly.

Jungkook scoffed, grabbing her other arm. "You made it my business when you attempted to stab me." He twisted them so that he stood behind her, the back of her body flush with his front. Her arms were crossed in front of her as he held her hands behind her, obstructing her movement. "You're lucky I have the decency to not harm a woman. Now, answer my question."

Lisa huffed, ignoring the attractive guard's frustrations. "I wanted to handle this on my own."


Before Jungkook could finish his question, he felt a force jab him hard from behind. Eunjae, who quietly snuck up on the two, had grabbed a sizable tree branch and had whacked him in the back. Jungkook stumbled forward, allowing Lisa to be released. His jaw clenched in pain—and frustration—as he whirled around to face the second assailant.

Another woman, he groaned in his head. He could barely bring himself to fight one.

Jungkook retreated slightly, finding himself between the two women, equidistant from either one. The two strangers were smiling to each other and he whipped his gaze furiously around the area in hopes of finding his comrade.

"Looking for your buddy?" The new woman asked Jungkook. His hard stare fell on her. "Sorry to tell you, but you're on your own."

Jungkook finally unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Eunjae, seeing no other option in this situation. "What do you want?"

"Nothing from you, pretty boy, so make this easier on us all and stay out of our way." Lisa answered, though Jungkook kept his weapon pointed at the other woman. He held out an outstretched, warning arm towards Lisa as he turned his head to face her.

Eunjae took the opportunity to sprint forward and kick the man's wrist, his weapon flying out of his hold and landing several feet away. Rather than scrambling after it, he clenched both of his fists and prepared for hand-to-hand combat, which Eunjae respected.

Eunjae thrust a fist forward, which Jungkook swiftly dodged, sending several more blows his way that he continued to expertly avoid. He, to Eunjae's surprise, was to able knock Eunjae down to her back with a swipe of his leg to her ankles. Eunjae rolled onto her back and jumped back onto her feet as he was distracted by Lisa, who was now battling him.

Lisa and Jungkook cautiously paced from side-to-side as they awaited the other to make the first move. Sweat was glistening across Jungkook's forehead, his brown and tangled hair sticking to his skin. He darted his tongue out to lick at his dried lips.

Lisa leaped forward, shooting out a leg high enough to kick the man's head. Unfortunately for her, Jungkook ducked down in time, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her yet again. Rather than grabbing her other arm again, he wrapped an arm around her neck and began applying enough pressure to raise concern for Lisa. She gripped at his arm, but his hold was unwavering.

"Enough of this." His voice resonated through the empty forest. Eunjae looked bewildered as she witnessed Lisa's eyelids flutter. "One move and I can snap her neck."

"Alright." Eunjae surrendered, dropping the sword she had picked up and raising her arms up in the air. "I concede. Just please, don't hurt her."

Jungkook noticed the concern on Eunjae's face for the woman in her arms and lightened the amount of pressure he had been applying. Jungkook began moving forward slightly, moving the woman in his arms along with him, towards the carriage so he could obtain restraints. In doing so, Eunjae and Lisa had been able to communicate through looks to each other.

Lisa mustered up her strength and jutted her head into the man's chin. He loosened his hold enough for her to dash away, though this time he wasn't so blind-sided. Ignoring the pain sprouting through him, Jungkook ran directly at Eunjae and was able to put her in the same hold, though this time he decided to grab the small blade tucked into the belt of his pants and press it against the woman's neck.

Eunjae's lips parted in shock upon feeling the cold metal against her neck. She didn't move a muscle, simply averted her eyes to meet Lisa's whose were wide with nerve and anxiousness. Eunjae shut her eyes for a moment before she opened them, calmer, and stared directly into Lisa. "Run." Eunjae mouthed.

Lisa looked like she was about to protest but Eunjae gave her a stern look, her jaw set as she mouthed the same demand. Lisa was uncertain, but she took one final glance at Eunjae before turning in the opposite direction and sprinting away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jungkook hollered, his blade pressing into Eunjae's neck, hard. Lisa didn't turn back around.

"I surrender. Leave her out of this, I beg of you. This was entirely my implementation." Eunjae mumbled, defeated, as she dropped her arms to her sides.

Jungkook scoffed. "Unbelievable." He muttered to himself. He pushed Eunjae onto her knees, quickly detaining her and restraining her hands behind her back.

"You're under arrest."


just a reminder that some of
the thoughts characters have are reflective of past perspectives

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