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The thunder roared as Patrick and Henry wrestled, mud and water flying everywhere "you fucking prick I know you're the one who did it!! I know it!" Patrick growled as a flash of lighting lit up the dark scene. A few hard punches later henry had blood all over his teeth. He spit towards Patricks face. "You can't prove nothin' Hockstetter!" Patrick didn't listen, all he could think about is the conspicuously hidden zip-lock bag of meth, that Patrick's dad found in his room earlier that day. "I know for a fact you've been doing meth! you fucking asked if I wanted to buy any on Saturday!" (oof..) Henry looked away for a moment, instead of denying it he kneed Patrick right in the nuts. It was as if Henry just took all the air out of him, he huffed and wrapped his arms around Henry's throat.

"The Voices the Voices
They won't shut up
Screaming and shouting
Banging on the walls

Distortion of vision
Clouded with racing thoughts
Blurry eyed he walks
Straight into a trap

He starts to shout
Everything the voices say
To which some are good
But others are truly insane

Hammer down inside his head
For when the voices awake
Terror fills his heart
Gnawing at any shred of hope

Though when the voices are silent

Calm waves flow gently
In the mind of whom
Is slightly crazy"


It was later that night and neither of them had spoken to each other. Henry was in his bathroom 'cleaning himself up' while Patrick was laying on Henry's bed. Now they didn't make up.. but Patrick wasn't allowed back home and Henry was Patrick's best friend. He liked him the most out of everyone in the bowers gang. Everything was quiet besides the occasional vulgar words that made Henry... Henry... along with the ever so soft and delicate ticks of the clock hung up outside of the door. Henry walked into the room, his shirt off and all the blood and mud finally off of his face and arms "Get your dirty ass off my bed your not allowed on until you shower!" Patrick rolled his eyes and stood up. As soon as Henry laid down Patrick walked into the bathroom. Slowly peeling off the muddy clothes he was in. He turned on the water, waiting until the bathroom was steaming. He got in, the water burning his back slightly, he wince and yeah, it hurt.. but.. Patrick enjoyed it. He used it almost as a self-punishment.. To keep him some-what in line. He was never one to cut. He mainly just burned himself weather it was in the shower or with a lighter. Patrick heard the bathroom door open but he just figured Henry had to take a piss. A minute later Henry ripped the shower curtain open and splashed a cup freezing water onto him. Patrick screamed "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?" Henry laughed as Patrick got out and wrapped a towel around him quickly "why the fuck did you do that?" Henry laughed "Because it was funny as hell. You shoulda seen how pissed you were.." Patrick shoved him "you're such a dick! i've had it with you and you're bullshit! I'm not even allowed in my own fucking house anymore because of you!" Henry rolled his eyes "I already told you.. I didn't do it! For fucks sake I swear on my mothers grave!" Patrick stared at him, thinking for a moment before sighing loudly "I believe you Henry.... but... I'm still mad at you for ruining my shower..." Henry snickered "need some clothes?" He looked at Patrick, the small towel barely covered his waist up. Patrick looked down and back up at Henry "no Henry I'm gonna walk around your house naked..." Patrick said with a copious amount of sarcasm "I'm fine with that" Henry smirked and Patrick rolled his eyes "I'm not gay bowers.. unlike you..." Henry pretended to be offended "what??? I'm not gay!! I'm BI"

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