To spare, or to Kill

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Hello, before we continue this story, I want to say something.
I re-read the previous chapters, and want to make them more descriptive?
Also, the story will take a sharp turn, (maybe it will end up being cliché, but I hope not-). Anyways, let's continue.

(Y/n)it's P.O.V.

We are running out of time.

We have two minutes left, and we have been running in circles to find this deviant.

"Fucking Christ, we've bought 17 androids and have made no progress. I'm wasting
510$ on this shit. This is the most expensive case in my career!" hank exclaimed in distress, once again pressing his hand against one of the fingerprint scanners to buy the seventeenth android, confirming his statement.

As much as we didn't want to waste the Lieutenants money, Connor seemed determined to finish this case, and so was i.

"Lieutenant, I know we're close! The android went in one of the private rooms, and then walked back out, we just need to find out where it went!" Connor said as I connected with a male android, probing its memory.

'The Traci walked near the android that was cleaning..' i thought, as I watched a clip of the android's memory. There it was, the blue-haired Traci, walking by.
Before I could see where it went, it's memory showed that the male android turned its head away and posed to attract a Human. Therefore, I couldn't see anything else that could be useful.

I disconnected from it and turned to my partners.
"It went that way, I think that cleaner over there may have seen something!" I said as hanks eyes widened, probably surprised that we were able to find something in the short time-span we had left.

Connor turned to look at the cleaner and wasted no more time. Connor turned its heel to walk towards the cleaner.

I saw Connor connecting with it, as hank and I quickly joined. A few seconds of Connor seemingly staring into the void, he disconnected and pointed towards the Staff only door.

"Shit..thought we wouldn't be able to make it in time." hank had muttered under his breath, as Connor and I walked to the door. I opened the door for it.

"Thanks," Connor said, flashing me an unnatural smile. It seemed that he tried to copy a human's smile, failing miserably.

"No problem, Connor." I smiled back, realizing that my smile was most likely as unnatural as Connor's. We walked in, hank soon joining us.

"Alright, ill take it from here," he said, drawing out his gun.
Connor obeyed.

° Obey
° Insist. <<

..but I stayed. "(Y/n), move. I'm goin' in--" "Lieutenant, it is of my priority to keep you safe. I will go first. After all, I am replaceable, but you are not." I said, cutting him off as I gently grabbed his gun.

I knew that protecting him wasn't a priority, the Mission was.
But it would be a shame to kill a human for the sake of a mission.

He seemed to be confused, but he let go of the gun, letting me lead the way.
"Keep me safe, huh?" he said, a chuckle escaping his lips in amusement.

Software instability ^
Hank ^^


Connor glanced at me, an uncertain and confused look on his face.

Connor ^

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now