the repairs.

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 if you haven't noticed yet, I made a significant change to the last chapter, mostly near the end of the chapter. it would be beneficial for you to read it because I will most likely bring that up in this chapter.
New note: I am so, so very sorry for taking such a long hiatus without really telling anyone
(I mean honestly since I'm not popular, It doesn't matter but whateverjdhdjs)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Timeskip to when they get back to the DPD.

Soon after we arrived at the DPD, Connor and I had to be sent into the actual Cyberlife building for repairs.

Hank stayed at the DPD to sign the papers for the damaged equipment. I imagine he had to be sent to Captain Fowler's office.

timeskip to when they repair the androids.

(y/n)'s Repair.

 I entered the room in which my oldest memories had taken event.

I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the cameras and the robotic arms that rose up sudden flashbacks and 'nostalgia', as some humans would say.

my gaze shifted toward the glass window, where I first saw Elijah.  I only saw two people monitoring the machines, this time.

the robotic arms stripped me of my clothes, leaving the undergarments. my wounds were revealed, mostly consisting of lacerations and abrasions around my arms, legs, and face. I had lost a hefty amount of thirium, but it wasn't a lot compared to how much thirium Connor had lost.

 they then held my body up, as the cameras checked for any hidden injuries throughout my body.

I wondered, how could we have so weakly fought at the Eden club?

the robots detached my left leg due to the severe damage the deviants had done.

 The skin damage was irreversible, and I had several holes in it because the blue-haired Traci had kicked me in the leg with her heels.

they placed my leg on a table, next to other limbs, thirium 310 pouches, and biocomponents that were all fitted for my prototype model. one of the robotic hands grabbed a new left leg to replace my damaged one.

as they attached my leg with a burning laser, a robotic hand handed me one thirium pouch, as one of the people monitoring the machines spoke up to me.

 "drink the thirium, (Y/N)."

They could have just put it in manually, but simply consuming it is easier.

So I obliged, opening the seal of the pouch. I raised the pouch to my lips, drinking the whole thing in a few seconds. the robot took the empty pouch from me, as they used their lasers again to melt and close all the small cuts on my body.

One of my biocomponents was slightly damaged, specifically the biocomponent #3679, so they had to remove it in order to replace it.

As one of the robotic arms removed it, I was shut down temporarily.

Connors p.o.v.

Connors repair.

I did not have many memories of my repair. I had been damaged, to the point of
Shutting down halfway through the ride to Cyberlife.

Though, I had woken up. Almost completely repaired, except I was still missing a limb. The robots quickly repaired me, as they provided me with a big pouch of my missing thirium 310 

Gulping it down, the robots slid my pants, and my shoes on me, before setting me on the ground. The robots took the pouch of thirium I had just emptied and proceeded to put on my suit, leaving me to carefully put on my tie. I flattened my clothes, almost compulsively.

Due to the extreme damage given to me, some memories had faded.

Hanks p.o.v.

I sat up angrily from my desk, after having to fill in 12 pages for my damn androids.
I grabbed the papers and walked to fowlers desk, huffing. "There's your fuckin' papers, Fowler." I scoffed, lightly slamming them on his desk.

He looked up at me, frowning as he usually did. Sometimes I wish I could slap this fuckin' bastard if it didn't cost me my badge. He silently took them, skimming briefly through the pages.

He looked up at me as if waiting for me to leave. "Fuckin'- ugh," I mumbled, walking out his office. From the corner of my eye, I could see him shaking his head in disbelief, which only added fuel to the flame.

I walked out of the DPD, knowing that if (Y/N) and Connor came back, they'd look for me at Jim's.

At Jimmy's Bar.

I sat down, on my usual seat. Jim looked at me, as we both nodded simultaneously.
He handed me my usual drink, as he leaned on the edge of the counter. I sipped the drink, feeling the burning, tingly feeling at the back of my throat.

It didn't help that the rage kept nipping at the back of my head, pushing me to explode right then and there.

Jim placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, man. what's goin' on? You're tense." he said,
Looking at me sincerely. I paused. "My androids got themselves busted yesterday," I said, pausing again. "And work is fucking exhausting." I sighed, shaking my head.
He let out a chuckle. "Loosen up, man. Take a rest, you'll see that you'll be the fucking bomb tomorrow," he said, snickering.

I laughed with him, chugging the rest of my vodka down.

"I'll try," I replied.

I wasn't acting like my usual self, but
I felt better.

End of chapter.

Thank you so much for reading. This is like, hella fuckin late lmao, don't kill me-
940 words.

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