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Finally back with another chapter! So sorry I never got back to this!! Thanks for waiting :)

You stood in front of your superior, Amanda. She stared at you with an intense expression that you couldn't quite understand. Her eyes spoke words of disappointment, yet held a shred of appreciation.

"Good job, (Y/n). You managed to successfully infiltrate Jericho". She congratulated you, but her smile quickly faded. "..with some hiccups. " She sighed, pausing.

You immediately understood what she meant.

"You've brought along with you five deviants. I've noticed that you've been acting rather...lively lately." Her stare hardened, but she let you explain yourself.




"This is only part of my plan, Amanda. I am not going deviant any time soon. If I get the deviant's trust, they won't suspect me as a detective going undercover." You looked into her eyes, composing yourself under her judging stare.

She didn't speak and didn't react for a while. Her demeanour was far more aggressive than it had always been. She was desperate. You and Connor had been the only ones so close to ending the feud between humans and deviants. She could not risk losing you to them.

She nodded approvingly.

Silence settled in the garden, one that wasn't too pleasant.



You decided to break the silence. "I met a deviant, named Amanda, like you. I suspect that it once worked at the DPD." You paused, as your superior held a glint of confusion in her eyes.

"I...wanted to know if she had any relations with you, my mission or the DPD." You said, almost hesitantly. You knew it was a risk to ask this, perhaps she was going to take this the wrong way.

Again, Amanda's eyes grew cold. "She used to work at the DPD. Elijah wanted to make another assistant-type android and wanted to recreate his mentor." Her vague statement stroke an urge to ask more questions.




"Is it deviant? Are they participating in my mission, or are they a threat?" Questions you couldn't help asking seemed to spill from your lips, but you immediately regretted it from the look she gave you.

"Enough. It shouldn't be of any importance to you. Forget it and get your job done, (Y/n)." Her tone of voice was dangerous. "Remember, something big is coming."

Her words were barely registered as you slipped out of the interface, her cold and distant stare boring holes in your memory.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" A voice called out

You opened your eyes, only to be greeted by Charlotte, with a concerned look in her eyes.

You looked around, seeing Amanda talking to a very distressed Lawerence.

"What happened? All of a sudden, in the middle of our conversation, ya just fell asleep!" She put her hands on your shoulders, shaking you slightly.

You frowned, shaking your head slightly. "Uhm, no- I-" You were at a loss for words. "I just shut down all of a sudden, i- I don't know. I'm sorry. " This was not your best excuse. "I think I'm just a bit low on thirium. I got hurt when we fell."

She tilted her head slightly, "Why didn't ya tell me before? Come on, love. Go to one of the clinics." You nodded. "You should check on Amanda, too." You said, before leaving and slipping into the clinic where Connor stayed.

He was sitting on the bed, turning towards you.

"Are you okay, now?" You asked, sitting down on the mattress. "Yes, I am. Did you see Amanda, too?" You frowned slightly, confused. "The one in the zen garden, I mean." He cleared up his statement.

"Yes, actually, I did. She is satisfied with our progress." You told him, to which he nodded in agreement.

After a few moments of silence, the both of you spoke up simultaneously.

"I need to talk to you about something."

You both immediately looked to each other, intrigued.

"You can go first." Connor smiled.

"Well, it's quite alright, you can go first."

Both of you shared a look of amusement.

You remember, on your first days at the DPD, you would overhear this female officer talking someone on the phone. They would usually do this, too.

"You hang up!"

"No..You hang up!"

"haha, come one, you do it!"

Was this common between close friends?

You almost laughed at the memory.

Your smile faded, as you remembered what you wanted to talk to him about.

"Okay, well, it is about Amanda. Android Amanda." You told him, he seemed to perk up at the mention of her name.

"Yes, that is also what I wanted to talk to you about."

Your eyes widened slightly. 'So, he realized too.' You thought to yourself. "Is...Is it about how she resembles our superior so much?" He asked, turning his body towards you.

"Yes. Today, when I was in the garden, I decided to ask her about this coincidence." You bit your lip slightly. "I think I made her angry. She didn't tell me much, but she said that Elijah made the Android Amanda as an assistant model and that it used to work at the DPD." You informed him.

His gaze fell to the floor.

"My first day at the DPD, I had seen her. She worked as Gavin Reed's assistant. Not long after that, though, I never saw her again. That is also when Gavin became more aggressive to Androids." He paused.

"After that, when I was searching for a case in the terminal, I saw her. She was on the run, caught trying to escape from police with Gavin's significant other, who she had tricked into thinking she was human."

You frowned. With this information, you understood Gavin's attitude. Of course, that doesn't excuse it.



"Are you sure? I...i feel like our superior is somehow...related to this Amanda. Like she's watching us." You admitted, a small hint of fear bubbling in your stomach.

Connor stayed silent, only slowly reaching to hold your hand, trying his best to reassure you. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand.

You slightly leaned against him, yearning for any kind of comfort or warmth.

He did the same.

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now