Slow, and scarier.

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Oh my god! Thanks for the 1k! I'm glad we got this far :'))

Hank seemed to look at you, almost sadly. He cleared his throat, "alright, let's go." Hank stated, looking back at Connor as he started walking towards the door.

Sumo lazily followed the three of you, wagging his tail slowly. 

Anderson, the gentleman he is, opened the door, not bothering to hold it for the two of you. You stepped in front of Connor, allowing yourself to hold the door for him. He walked out, following hank to the car. 

You looked at sumo, whispering "Goodbye, sumo." to the dog. You left, concerned that hank didn't bother locking the door. You joined the duo inside the car, sitting in the back. Connor sat in front with Anderson, leaving you to your thoughts.

Your led flashed yellow, your eyes blinking a few times. Your sight went black for a few seconds, soon revealing the zen garden.

New Task: Find Amanda.

Your eyes adjusted to the scene as you looked around, the once blooming garden had turned into autumn. the leaves from the trees had turned from various shades of orange, yellow, red and green. Not only that, but rain poured from the sky, drenching your uniform in water.

right. you weren't wearing the clothes that the lieutenant had let you borrow, you had returned to the uniform you always wore. 

from the corner of your eye,  you spotted the touchstone. Though you were curious, you restrained yourself from touching it again. Instead, you contented yourself with completing your task. You walked on the white marble bridge, thinking that Amanda was on that same platform from before.

 you were wrong, but you did spot Amanda in the distance, next to a bin full of umbrellas. Picking up the speed, you joined Amanda, grabbing an (f/c) umbrella out of the bin, using it to shield you and Amanda from the rain. Somehow, Amanda was still dry, compared to you, who was completely drenched in water. Your hair stuck to your face, and clothes clung to your skin.

"thanks to you, Anderson and Connor have been making better progress on this deviant matter," Amanda spoke, walking with you under the umbrella.

Amanda ^

"Though I am starting to feel like you are warming up to them. Especially towards Connor. Remember to keep your distance, (Y/n)."




"It is possible that it is my programming making me act in a friendly manner towards them, but I assure you, I am not doing it on purpose. I do not harbour any sort of attachment towards them." You reassured her, and yourself. You weren't fully telling the truth but you weren't fully lying either.

"..Hm. I hope you intend on making it stay that way."

"Now that you're ready to go to Jericho, I have a task to assign you. You need to either wait for us to find you, or either you kill RA9." She told you, suddenly stopping in her tracks to face you.

"and most importantly, do not let yourself be influenced by them in any way, shape or form."

she paused, looking at you intently.

"Nevertheless, I warn you. You need to finish this case quickly. Danger is approaching fast."

Those were her last words, as you felt the interface fade away. 

You snapped back into reality, blinking a few times. 

"Alright, 'ere we are," Hank announced, grabbing yours and Connor's attention. You opened the car door and slipped out of the vehicle.

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now