Helping the broken.

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"Oh, Ralph." You repeated, smiling. 

"So, Ralph, do you have any friends?" Connor asked, which was quite an odd question in your opinion.

"Oh, yes! Ralph is friends with Mom and the little girl!" Ralph smiled, doing grand gestures to show his excitement.

Connor and you shared a look.

"Do- ...Do you know their names?" Connor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Names? ...Ralph thinks it was K-...Kara and-...And Alice, yes!" The deviant replied, his expression wildly changing from confused, thoughtful, and happy.

"Are they human?"

"Ralph thinks Alice is human, But Kara is definitely an android, yes."

You noticed that Ralph's head often twitched, a bit like a human's head would when they are suffering from Tourette's syndrome.

"Ralph, if it doesn't bother you, I would like to know, what happened to your face?" You asked, a concerned expression on your features.

Ralph's eyes seemed to dim, and his eyebrows creased ever so slightly.

"Back when Ralph lived in his house, some humans would come to visit. A-and Ralph would usually hide from them. Ralph doesn't like visitors, no." He shook his head, looking at his rather worn hands.

"And some humans are bad, bad. Yes, very bad. Ralph doesn't like those humans. And one time, th-those mean humans hurt Ralph. They had...They a big knife. One of the hit Ralph really hard. Ralph was bleeding. Ralph was not happy."

He looked off into the distance as if he was re-living that situation. You placed a hand on his shoulder, awkwardly trying to comfort him.

Connor analyzed the scar on his cheek. It seemed like his wound had broken into most of the layers of the synthetic skin. Unluckily for Ralph, the skin damage was irreversible, but maybe still fixable.

You glanced at Connor, seeing a shimmer to his chocolate brown eyes. It seemed that every time he looked like this, he seemed to have an idea cooped up in his brain- erm- mind palace?

"I have an idea, Ralph. But first, do you happen to know where Jericho is?" Connor asked, standing up. He held out a hand for Ralph to hold, which he took gladly.

"Yes! Ralph was heading there, But Ralph got a bit tired so Ralph decided to rest. Here, look!" Ralph held out a hand, a hologram of a wall completely covered in colourful graffiti showing up.

"That's where Ralph has to go."

"Okay. If you let us join you to Jericho, We promise that we will protect you. Whatever happens, we will be here for you." Connor offered, as you nodded in agreement to further convince Ralph.

"You promise? Really?" Ralph grinned excitedly, flailing his arms around.

"Yes. We promise." 

You made a mental note to yourself.

New tasks :

Find Jericho.

Keep  the Facade.


Thankfully, the entrance you had found earlier was actually of use. You could barely see a glimpse of a wall painted in various colors. 

"I see the wall, we need to go through here." You spoke, as you tried to lift a large wooden plank to make a path.

Ralph entered behind you, with Connor being the last going in.

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now