Into the sewers.

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Your next location was of a garden-like space, enclosed by four small abandoned buildings. Most of the flowers were dead because of the lack of sunlight and water. It was overall quite dark, and like the rest of this place, it was unkept and old.

 To the left side of the hologram, you saw a dark alley, too dark to see anything distinct, but lit up enough to see that there was, in fact, something at the other side of the alley.


Your eyes slowly adjusted to the darker and admittedly eerie ambiance of your new surroundings.  You looked up. A large, dark red sheet shielded us from the light. The sheet was attached to the corners of the surrounding walls. 

"I think this is it," Amanda stated, "Yep, we just need to find the graffiti." Lawrence ended her sentence, a chipper tone to his voice.

Not even a few seconds later, a loud "Ralph found it!" echoed through the bare walls of this overgrown garden.

"Already? I'm impressed, Ralph!" Charlotte laughed, as Amanda walked to where Ralph stood. 

Ralph held a proud smile on his face, excitedly motioning for the rest of the group to walk over.

"Where is it?" You asked, looking around, not a clue of where Ralph would have found the symbol.

Ralph pointed to the grass, and sure enough, the grass was tainted in black spray paint, forming the familiar shape of the graffiti.

Lawrence turned his hand to show his palm, trying to activate a hologram.


We turned to Lawrence in confusion, which he returned with a shrug. 

Connor turned his gaze to the dark alley we previously saw on the hologram. "I guess our next step is to go through there." He pointed to the alley, which we turned to look at. 

"Yeah, guess so. Let's go, team." Amanda smiled in anticipation, a look of relief and content on her face as we made our way to the dark corridor. 

I walked behind Lawrence and in front of Connor. I felt Connor lean in closer to me, placing his hand on my right shoulder as if wanting to say something. I shuddered, feeling him lean on my left shoulder, whispering, 

"What's our plan after this, (Y/n)?"

"W-we have to find Markus. Remember, we might see some familiar deviants. We can't let them disturb our mission."


We walked out of the alley, the blinding light of the sun hitting our eyes. I used my hand to shield my eyes, squinting in reaction to the hard light.

We stood in a large balcony-like wooden platform, with a metal staircase leading to a higher platform. While the others admired the view, you walked up the staircase, being careful on the more rusty and broken down steps. 

In front of you was a long, jagged piece of wood leading to a big open space, which, if you jumped down the end of the wooden plank, would lead you to fall into sewage water.

Eventually, The rest of the group followed you to the top platform.

"So...Where do we go from 'ere?" Charlotte asked, frowning.

"We jump?" Amada responded, unsure.

"Jump? Oh no. No, no, no!" Lawrence refused, turning his head up in disgust at the idea.

"Ralph doesn't like the idea, but Ralph wants to go home..." Ralph was clearly conflicted but somewhat convinced to jump.

"I think we're supposed to jump." Connor interrupted the panicked chatter.

"Yes, I think so too. if you look through your mind palace, there are trails of blueblood on the wood. We are on the right path." Though a bit unsettling, your remark was indeed true, and possibly eased the deviants.

Silence settled, and now, no real obstacle was keeping the group from jumping, - except perhaps Lawrence's fear of heights.- and honestly, it really only came down to who jumped first.

"'Aight, I guess if no ones doin' it, I'll go." Charlotte sighed, walking across the plank. Halfway in, she started running. She jumped, a small ghost of a yell escaping her lips. She couldn't help but close her eyes, inhaling sharply.

You looked at each other in panic, maybe even determination, as a loud, exasperated yell slipped from Lawrence's mouth. "OKAY FINE, I'LL GO NEXT!" He ran as fast as he could, almost losing balance at the end. He jumped, flailing around his limbs and loudly screaming profanities.

"GOD- FUCKING FUCK- I REGRET THIS, AH SHIT-" His yelling got cut off by him falling into the water, a loud splash echoing in the sewers.

"Ralph is strong, Ralph will go, okay? Don't be scared, Ralph will catch you when you go down!" Ralph smiled, waving at you and Connor before running and jumping into the sewage water.

Connor looked at you, stiffly walking on the front of the plank.

 You walked next to him, grabbing his hand. 

"Let's go together." You smiled at him.

A small tint of blue adorned his cheeks and nose, and you swore you could hear his internal fans start working in his system.

"Yeah, l...let's go."

He relaxed in your grip as you both walked on the plank, eventually arriving at the end. 

Simultaneously, you both started counting down.





Both of you jumped, as he grabbed your other hand in fear. 

You bodies pressed together, both letting out small, shaky sighs.

Why was this so scary? You both had endured many other frightening experiences, yet were both completely unfazed. You hated to admit it, but you actually started wondering,

Was your promise to Connor a lie? Maybe you were finding excuses not to believe it, but deep inside, you knew you weren't The CM800 you used to be. You weren't the Android that Kamski made solely to be the RK800's female counterpart. 

You hated the thought of being a deviant and betraying cyberlife.

Or maybe you hated the thought of being deactivated.

Or maybe you-

Your thoughts were interrupted by the cold water hitting your body. Along with Connor, you sunk into the water. You let go of Connor, instinctively swimming up and coughing out the water that had entered your mouth. You looked up to see the rest of the group, smiling knowingly at both you and Connor.

"Took ya' lovebirds long enough." Charlotte teased, grinning mischievously.

Connor and you exchanged glanced, confused.

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