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You stood next to Luther as Kara and her child embraced each other. 

"Thank you for convincing Kara. She can be a bit...emotional at times." Luther smiled, Placing a hand on your shoulder.

"It's no problem, actually, I-" "Hey, (Y/n)! Ralph was looking for you! Oh, is this one of your new friends?" Ralph interrupted you, his usual contagious, happy self putting a smile on your face.

Your eyes widened when you took a good look at his face. His once irreversible scar was now completely gone. He was still a bit twitchy, but for the most part, he looked normal!

"Ralph...How did they fix your...your face?" You asked, a hand reaching up to touch his cheek. Your thumb caressed where his large scar would usually be.

He smiled. "Well, Ralph cannot remember very clearly because Ralph was asleep, but they did a good job, don't you think?"

Despite the fact that he was fixed, his childish behaviour remained. He still spoke in third person when referring to himself, but that's part of his 'charm', right?

"Well, I'm glad they fixed you, Ralph." You smiled, nodding. "But, actually, I came here to help a little gir-"

Then, it dawned on you...


"So, Ralph, do you have any friends?" Connor asked, which was quite an odd question in your opinion.

"Oh, yes! Ralph is friends with Mom and the little girl!" Ralph smiled, doing grand gestures to show his excitement.

Connor and you shared a look.

"Do- ...Do you know their names?" Connor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Names? ...Ralph thinks it was K-...Kara and-...And Alice, yes!" The deviant replied, his expression wildly changing from confused, thoughtful, and happy.

"Are they human?"

"Ralph thinks Alice is human, But Kara is definitely an android, yes."


"Hey, Ralph, I think you'd want to meet them." You moved next to him, letting the deviant see his old friends.

He loudly gasped, turning to you, mouth wide open before speed-walking to them.

You chuckled, a thing you rarely did, watching the surprised expressions of Kara and Alice.


You wondered if they actually ended on good terms, or if he had warped the situation in his mind.

You looked up at Luther's ever so confused expression. "Well, with that, I'll be off. If you ever need anything, I'm here."

Luther nodded distantly, perhaps still perplexed about the whole situations.

Walking off to join Connor, thoughts bombarded your mind. 

Why help them? Complete strangers? Not only that but also helping deviants?

You were getting too soft. You were straying so far from your original program and your tasks. Your compassion module that was programmed in your system was reserved for humans. Maybe you were just confused because you couldn't exactly find a difference in their behaviour?

Nevertheless, you couldn't find an end to your problems. You felt strong hate towards those thoughts. Yet, fear makes Hate. The fear of being Shutdown, forgotten.

You walked into the cabin-like clinic where you saw a sleeping Connor, but couldn't seem to find the nurse.

You sat on the chair next to Connors bed, glancing at the machine slowly pumping blue blood into his body.

His peaceful expression led you to wonder,

was Connor facing the same problems you were? These annoying thoughts kept resurfacing at the worst moments, making you question your loyalty to Cyberlife.

What if you had to reset yourself? You would forget everything, you would forget your friends, hank, Connor. 

You rested your arms on Connor's bed, sinking into your thoughts.

'It's going to be okay. If we complete our tasks, we'll go back to cyberlife and everything will be over. I won't worry about any of the deviants I've met.' You told yourself, resting your head on the side of Connors upper torso and the edge of the bed.

You close your eyes, sighing quietly. You felt Connor move ever so slightly, which alerted you to open your eyes.

To your relief, he was still asleep.

You closed your eyes again, snuggling into the fabric of your sweater.

But, you had forgotten that you basically fell into the sewers with this sweater and it smelled odd. Gross.

Time went by quite fast, and during your 'nap', you felt a hand on your back, softly rubbing circles on your back. You slowly opened your eyes, feeling a pang of embarrassment when you notice Connot was already awake, and he was the one rubbing your back.

"Hey. Did you rest well?" He asked, his voice low and hushed.

"I should be the one asking you that, you're the one who got hurt."

He smiled, "Yeah, I do feel better than before, it makes me wonder how much thirium I actually lost."

"I'm glad." You sat up straight, regaining your composure. He copied your gesture, soon revealing that his whole upper body was naked. 

You stiffened, looking at the small tube that attached to his lower abdomen. It was the tubes that fed him all the thirium he was missing.

"Do- do you want me to...bring you your shirt?" You asked, averting your gaze. You felt significantly hotter than before, but you dismissed it as your internal fans being slow.

"Yes, please." You nodded, grabbing the shirt that sat on a small table as he removed the tube from his torso.

"Here." You placed the folded shirt next to him. "I'll be waiting for you outside."

You left the clinic, almost immediately spotting Amanda standing near a fire. She was joined by the rest of the team.

Lawrence was chatting with Charlotte who sat on a bench in front of the fire.

You walked towards them, a pep to your step. "Hey, (Y/n)? How's the man?" Charlotte teased.

"The man?" You tilted your head, confused.


"Oh, he's fine, he'll be here in a minute."

You sat down next to Lawrence, Staring distantly in the fire. Suddenly, your eyes started blinking rapidly. Your LED turned yellow, and right before you slipped away into the interface, you looked at Amanda.

 She too seemed to be receiving the same symptoms you were: She started blinking a lot, and her LED turned yellow, just like yours did.

Was she still under Cyberlife's influence? 

Was she a spy? Was she here to monitor you and Connor, Just as the other Amanda did?

Was she lying to you?

Your eyes widened, but you were pulled forcefully into the darkness of your software.

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now