Preparing and Changing.

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At the DPD, hank, Connor and you had a long conversation about how you were going to infiltrate 'Jericho'. 

"For clothes, it's going to be quite easy. Connor can borrow my clothes, and (y/n)...I might have something laying around for you." Hank stated, his tone darkening near the end of his sentence.

he mumbled something in an amused tone. "the things I gotta do for these dumbass androids." Anderson shook his head, a tiny smirk plastered on his face.

it was surprising to see him act in such a kind manner. it felt refreshing to you, almost.

"But...How are we ever going to find Jericho? The deviants must have found a way to secure Jericho so no one could find it, other than the deviants themselves. Maybe they use codes or markings?" You asked,  worried that all the clues you had found yesterday had been erased, therefore leaving no actual way to find said place.

"They left trails of thirium on the ground, we should be able to find Jericho that way. And if we do find some sort of consistent markings, then that will make things easier for us." Connor reassured you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

Hank looked at Connor in astonishment, his eyes widening. An act of sympathy? in an android?

He shrugged it off, clearing his throat. "Yeah. Right," he mumbled, trailing off. 

"okay. We'll go to my house, then ill drop us off at That Jericho place." Hank said, getting up as he groaned from the soreness of his legs and back. 




"Lieutenant, it would be very unsafe for you to come with us to Jericho of something dangerous were to happen, we could not risk you injuring yourself, or even dying. Humans are not replaceable." You told the lieutenant, as calmly as you could. 

Anderson seemed almost flattered that you would consider his safety. but, after were an android, so that was part of your programming. At least, that's what he thought.

hank ^

"(y/n) is right. I wouldn't want for you to be injured, Hank." Connor agreed, allowing himself to call the lieutenant by his actual name. thankfully for him, Hank was fine with it, indicating that he was slowly tolerating, and maybe warming up to his android partners.

You found yourself looking at Connor, with an almost longing stare. though you were android, you could still admire his charming looks. 


The strong smell of alcohol was the first thing you noticed when entering Hanks house. Whiskey, beer, and even a bottle of cheap wine where a few of the bottles that laid around in the kitchen. some empty, others half full. or half empty, if you wish to interpret it that way. 

if it wasn't apparent before, Hank liked all things traditional. it was quite obvious from the fact that he had old pieces of vinyl from old bands, mostly rock. His home held a very calm, almost sleepy kind of atmosphere, which did match the lieutenant's appearance, but not his personality. 

You felt something just slightly pass by your legs, leaving a tingly feeling on your artificial skin. you looked down to see a dog. a large one, in fact. it looked to be considerably old.

you kneeled down to pet it, letting it sniff your hand before doing so.

"His name is Sumo," Connor informed you, giving you a small, awkward smile.

you looked up at him and smiled, also in an awkward way. "sumo." you repeated quietly, standing up from your kneeled position.

"Alright. Uh, Connor." hank called out to Connor, holding a box filled with clothes that seemed to be far too small for Anderson.  at his feet was another box, this time, the box was of a burgundy colour, a bow adorning the lid of the box. 

"find some clothes in here. Do it quickly, we don't have all day." Hank said, shooing Connor off to his room for him to change.

Anderson looked at you, motioning for you to come to him. he grabbed the nicely decorated box at his feet and handed it to you. you took the box, looking up at him with a blank stare. 

"Here. Fold the clothes back up when you're done and be careful with the box." Hank sighed, returning to his living room. 

*Change in bathroom

*Change in Bedroom<<

You opened the door to hanks room, thinking that Connor wouldn't mind.

When you did, you saw him in front of a mirror, taking his shirt off. He seemed to have already changed pants, as he was wearing dark brown loose jeans, paired with a black leather belt. He had set the shirt and the jacket he was going to wear on his bed. It was a plain warm grey shirt with a black rain jacket.

he snapped his head to your direction, a bit startled.

"Sorry. Do you want me to change in the bathroom instead?" You asked Connor, your led flickering from blue to yellow.  

"No, it's fine." He replied, running his finger through his hair. 

Your artificial heart almost exploded when he turned fully in front of you. A  light blue hue spread on your cheeks, confusing your poor little android brain. Your breath hitched as your eyes trailed up and down his body.

If you were human, god knows if you could control yourself.

Goddamn, this guy was built. His normal clothes completely hid his muscular body, so much so that he would look unrecognizable if you didn't see his face. Your led flashed from yellow to red to blue--

Saying you were confused would be an understatement.

Software instability ^^

this was not how androids were supposed to act. 

And you were determined to stop this way of acting. You tore your eyes away from him, and instead focused on choosing an outfit.

You set the box on Anderson's bed, carefully opening it. The clothes in the box seemed to be quite fashionable. Minimalistic, yet the colour scheme of the clothes seemed to be more retro-ish, quite similar to what colours Hank would wear. You set the small pile of clothes next to the box, surprised to find letters and photos on the bottom of the case.

you picked up the small picture, scanning it through your mind palace.




you placed the photo back where it was, telling yourself that you should respect the lieutenants privacy. instead, you started choosing your outfit.

you decided on high-waisted jeans and a mustard-coloured sweater paired with a black beanie and brown ankle boots.  You looked like a fashionable mom, to say the least. Just like Jessica.

Connor had decided on 

Finally, the both of you had changed into your respective clothes. you folded your uniform on Hank' bed and you carefully but back the spare clothes back in the box as it was before. 

Connor glanced at you, his eyes widening slightly. he cleared his throat quietly, pressing the back of his hand against his lips to prevent any sort of reaction. He had to admit, the clothes looked adorable on you. the shirt was a bit large for you, so you tucked it under your jeans, puffing up the shirt a little bit. 

Under his cold, stoic expression, Connor held back a smile. You looked like a small little bean-human to him.

You both exited the room, to hank relief. he was growing impatient while waiting for the androids to finish changing.

"Christ's sake, you guys take forever to cha- Wait...Did You change in the same room?" Anderson's mouth gaped, as he took a noticeableo pause. 

Connor and you exchange glances, raising your eyebrow in confusion.

"Yes, we did. Were we not supposed to?" Connor, the absolute cinnamon roll, asked Hank. 

"Androids are so fuckin' oblivious, what the hell." Hank snickered, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb.

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