Almost there.

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A/n: Hey. So you may find that this story has been going at a slower pace. Sorry if it bothers you, but I do like taking things a bit slower than some people may like. Sorry!


After the last member of your group went through the door, you all began searching for the aforementioned symbol. It was significantly harder than the one you had to find, especially since you were outside, standing in a half-destroyed apartment. 

When Lawrence showed you the next location, you were lying if you said you weren't confused. A gray wall, definitely tampered on by deviants or any sort of hooligans that would end up in a place like this. An eerie ambiance, dark yet seemingly lit by the sun. If memory served you right, - which, of course, it does since you're an android - you remember it being filled with scattered papers and trash. It almost seemed like someone was recently living here and left their mess as it was. 

You saw Charlotte and Amanda walk to the balcony, in which they could climb onto stairs leading to the apartment on top of ours. 

Lawrence and Ralph stayed with Connor in the dirty, dishevelled living room on the first floor.. Everyone had been searching for whatever could lead to the 'graffiti'.

You walked down the creaky wooden stairs,  the wind howling past you, brushing your face with cool air. You looked towards the walls, noticing a bunch of papers pinned down to the wall. Most were torn and empty, while others had a series of numbers written on them.

 You looked around the room, noticing how unkept and gross it actually was. A desk and a chair, that was the only furniture there, well, apart from a clock that you only presumed came from the early 2000s. Like the hologram Lawrence showed you, this place was littered with random trash all over the place.

First, you approached the desk. The intrigue got the better of you, so you sat down, looking a the small stack of paper that laid neatly on the desk. The desk was old, used. It had been vandalized, as many words of distress were written on it. 







So, they actually were deviants. You grabbed the stack of papers, placing them in front of you. 

The first page was a drawing of two women, holding hands.

 They were smiling.

The one with blue hair was wearing a blue hoodie and the one with short brown hair was wearing a green raincoat. 

The drawing was so well-made, it almost seemed like a photograph of those two women.

Of course, you had noticed who these women were.

  They're the Tracis we saw in the Eden club.

You placed the drawing under the stack, looking at the second page. To your dismay, it was blank, well that's what you thought until you looked at it through the lens of your mind palace.

in dried up blue blood, it read 'if you're one of us, look at our papers.'

You instinctively looked through the rest of the papers on the stack. 

they're all blank. Not even a trace of thirium. You though, perplexed and mildly disappointed.

You sat up, placing the stack back where it used to be.

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora